Chapter 4

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A few days have passed and they have been pretty uneventful. Ron decided to take my up on my proposal and has been my daily source of blood. Classes are just that, nothing special about them. I enjoy learning more about my classmates and what not rather than spells, potions and facts that I am already familiar with.

It is morning time and everyone gathers in the Great Hall for the welcoming of the two schools joining us for the upcoming Triwizard tournament that is about to start. We just saw them arrive to Hogwarts by boats and flying carriages, which was pretty lame if you ask me. I think they are just trying too hard to impress the other schools. 

The rest of the students anxiously wait to view them in a closer proximity. I sit at the Slytherin table with my back up straight, even though I am bored and would rather be doing something else currently. 

Pretty boy Draco sits further down at the table today, but I can feel his eyes piercing the side of my head. I have never been comfortable with people staring at me because I had learned it was not polite to stare when I was younger. I guess I was okay with it when I was purposely acting to receive the attention but otherwise mind your own business.

As I play with my sturdy but pointless wand under the table, I faintly hear light footsteps coming from behind the grand doors. Right away I associate the steps with girls.

After a minute of walking, the wooden doors creak open as everyones' heads turn towards the entrance. Gracefully running towards the front of the room, girls in blue uniforms sway out, sighing towards the tables. These girls from Beauxbatons will drive me insane along with their freakishly tall head mistress, Madame Maxine. Again, trying way too hard.

I roll my eyes, already annoyed with the frilly girls. All the boys seem drawn to them with little choice. Veelas...a stupid species in my bloodline.

I hope the person who somehow began their bloodline died a painful death. There should be no other superiors other than the creator of the spells- me- and everyone else who has blood coursing through their veins.

Some girls wink flirtatiously to some of the guys at different houses but they all end up sitting with the Ravenclaws who do not seem to particularly mind them. I am just glad that I do not have to deal with conversing with shallow girls right now.

In the next few moments, the guys from Durmstrang march in, making their presence known as they hit bars against the floor, creating sparks. Girls seem to gawk at them, obviously finding them super attractive yet I do not particularly find that so.

I mean come on; they are just muscular guys wanting to show off their muscles to win the hearts of girls. I'll pass. 

Because I am just the luckiest girl ever, the Durmstrang guys sit at the Slytherin table, making my fellow housemates look at others with this sense of pride. Draco eats up the attention from other Hogwarts students trying to catch a glimpse of the famous seeker, Viktor Krum, sitting next to the vain Malfoy. What a match made in heaven. 

My attention shifts from Draco to the presence of a Durmstrang boy sitting down next to me. I glimpse out of the corner of my eyes to see who has decided to socialize with me since I feel as if I had made it pretty clear with my body language that I was not interested in talking. When I see who it is, I tense up immediately, recognizing the figure right away. He only smirks at me, saying nothing.

I say absentmindedly, "Excuse me." I quickly leave the table as the feast begins and exit the Great Hall feverishly. I do not care if anyone notices my exit and instead focus on distancing myself from the Great Hall. I know that he is following me as I hear his pounding footsteps hard against the stone ground that covers the floors.

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