Chapter 65

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George glances at me with hope filling his brown eyes. "There's a heartbeat." The tears seem to stop flowing upon hearing my words.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley look at me with wide eyes, almost not believing that their son that was just dead moments ago now has a heart beat.

A smile breaks across George's face as he leans down to listen to the heartbeat as well. His eyebrows scrunch up when he lifts himself back up, "It's so slow..."

I let out a sigh and notice Fred's family looking weary about the situation. They've been through so much and moments ago, they thought they lost him forever and now that may not be the case. My reply is soft to break the news, "He's in transition."

Ron asks, "You mean like...vampire transition?"

My head nods as I look down ashamed, "My blood must have not left his system after the accident last night. This is all my fault." After my response, Ron walks out of the hall when he spots Harry.

George reassured me immediately, "No, you've saved his life twice now in twenty four hours."

I don't mean to, but my gaze is harsh as I meet his eyes, "I didn't save his life because I've destroyed it now."

My words are true because Fred now has to experience all the bad effects that are attached to being a vampire. His flesh will burn in the sun until I can get a witch to make him a daylight ring. He will struggle for a long time with his hunger and probably can't be around his family until he does.

I look up at Fred's parents as I feel the guilt ripple throughout my body, "I'm so sorry I did this to him."

Mrs. Weasley takes my hands, "Don't apologize, dear. I'm just happy our boy has a chance."

I graciously take in her words but still can't help but feel like I've done something awful. Ron asks, "When is he going to wake up?"

"My guess is soon but there's no way to know for sure since everyone reacts differently." I look back at Fred's face and feel my heart breaking in a different way.

I had a plan to give up my immortality for Fred but now, I can't use the only cure that would allow me to be human again. Of course Fred transitioning would mean an eternity but I feel as though I committed a similar crime as my parents did to my siblings. My parents forced this life on us and I never forgave them for that. There are times I enjoy the power and strength, but I will never fully admit to liking this side of me because it wasn't my decision to be like this.

Fred's hand begins to move and I look at his family, "After you say your hello's, I need to talk to him alone about all this. He may not be in control of his body." They all nod reluctantly but know that me handling it on my own is the safest option for everybody involved.

I excuse myself as I walk out to see Hermione hugging Harry fiercely. Ron stands by with a solemn look on his face. It almost seems as though they are saying goodbyes. I tilt my head to the side as I walk up to them, "What's going on?"

Hermione and Harry break away from the hug. I see a composed Harry with hints of fear glazed over his eyes. He tries to remain confident, "I'm not going to let anyone else die for me, so I'm going."

It takes me a second to grasp the fact that he's surrendering to Voldemort. He's giving into the pressure of the threat to wipe our side out. I start, "Harry, you can't. Going to the Forbidden Forest is a death sentence."

"I have to do this." He struggles with his own words, but I can tell that nothing and especially no one can change his mind.

I nod my head at him, "Good luck." He produces a tight smile before he walks away to meet his fate.

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