Chapter 44

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This chapter was super fun to write, so enjoy this action packed chapter! A detail brought up at the beginning of the book is revealed in this chapter as well. 

One month later, 3rd person

Stefan gathers his brother, girlfriend, and closest allies in a clearing. Bonnie asks him, "Why are we out here in the middle of the woods?"

A triumphant smile appears on Stefan's face, "We don't have to fear about the Originals anymore. Elena, want to tell them about your talk with Esther at their ball?"

The secret she had kept hidden in order to protect Esther is revealed, "We knew that whatever was in that casket could kill Klaus and that's her plan. They are all linked so if we kill one, we kill all." 

Jeremy worries for his friend that he has grown close to the past few weeks, "But what about Alexia?"

Elena sighs, "I know you guys are friends, but she's a Mikaelson. I feel bad about Elijah, he doesn't deserve this."

Jeremy pleads, "There has to be another way." Elena shakes her head and Damon looks away, displeased about his Original one night stand having to die. 

Caroline asks Stefan, "How would we even kill them? They destroyed the white oak tree a thousand years ago."

Stefan throws a giant duffel on the ground and it lands with a clank. "There was another tree and now we all have a weapon again the Originals." He unzips the duffel to reveal numerous white oak stakes. 

Damon picks one up and tosses it in the air, "Who do we target?"

Elena pipes in, "Alexia would be an easy target, especially if she has her guard down around Jeremy and Damon."

Jeremy immediately begins protesting this and Damon actually agrees with him, "Little Gilbert is right. There's more to her than what meets the eye."

They all decide to target Finn, who seems distant from the others and unwilling to fight. A plan comes into action as they plot the end to the Original family.


Alexia's POV

I stare at the stack of letters that has collected in the pocket of my jacket. There are already 15 letters, most of which from the twins. I have yet to respond to any of my friends. I had opened the first five or so, one from each of my Gryffindor friends, wondering if I was still alive and well. My heart hurts not being able to let them know I'm alright, but I can't waver, not now. 

Jeremy and Damon both have been acting unusual around me with Elena seeming overly confident. I look up from my pocket to see Jeremy checking his phone for the seventh time in the past few minutes. "Are you alright?"

His eyes snap up as he responds too fast, "I'm fine."

My eyebrows raise, "I know when you're lying." His figure shifts uncomfortably, not wanting to answer me. "Jeremy, tell me what's going on." My tone comes out a bit harsh, but the unnerving feeling in the pit of my stomach is growing.

He lets out a deep breath, unable to contain the secret any longer. "Elena met with Esther at the ball."

"I am already aware of this, but she told Elijah that we have nothing to worry about." Jeremy's brown eyes look away in an attempt to hide the guilt. "We have nothing to worry about, right?"

Jeremy shakes his head, making his long hair fall onto his face. "You have to understand that we learned that she would help us defeat Klaus."

"She's been trying to fix the balance of nature for a long time. I want revenge against Niklaus as well but there's something else, is there not?"

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