Chapter 20

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Running my fingers over the somewhat healed wound, I flinch at where the deep gash was minutes ago. I know that even though it looks like a week old wound, the side effects will still take their toll.

My original blood may protect me from death from the werewolf bite but not from the mental games the venom will play on my mind. Lillian just had to prove a point, and I can't wait to see the look on her face when she realizes I survived her bite. 

Standing in front of the mirror in my bathroom, I see my reflection that shows the feeble girl from over a thousand years ago. The one with the tattered hair down to the small of her back and the one with the broken look in her eyes. I grip the edge of the sink as memories flood into my head in a tiny stream but it is not overwhelming yet. When I hear a crack from underneath my hands, I let my hands relax.

I open and close my hands a few times before looking at the damage I had done to my sink. Once a smooth surface was now covered in tiny cracks on both side from where I had a death grip on the edges.

My eyes glance back into the mirror,and I let out an inaudible gasp when I see a bead of sweat roll from my hairline done my pale cheek towards my jaw. As a vampire, I never sweat or get cold. It's been so long since I've been anywhere close to what its like to be human again. I shake my head and splash some water on my face to try and rid the feverish feelings.

The water helps, soI feel somewhat more at ease going to bed, no longer falling into the trap the venom. Changing into red and black plaid shorts with a black cotton tee, I slip under the covers of my bed. 

My mind swirls with blurry parts of my memories as I close my eyes in order to let the darkness consume me. It does just that as I focus in on the feeling of being pulled under...

"Alexia, my darling, will you please go collect some things for me?" I tear my eyes away from the sight of my brothers battling on the grounds in front of the rest of the people in our village. Niklaus knocks Elijah to the ground, sword pointed towards his neck and they both start laughing. I giggle at their playful and silly ways as I walk over to mother who hands me a list of items to retrieve from the next village over. "Take Henrik too please. Your father will be angry if Henrik keeps hanging around your brother while they are fighting."

I nod my head and go back outside to grab my youngest brother. I do not have to walk far because he is already close by, looking as if he is about to head inside. When I glance over to where he once was standing with my other brothers, I see father lecturing Niklaus before he slashes at Nik's clothing with his own sword. "Come with me to get a few things?" Henrik nods, and we start making our journey over to the village that is not too terribly far from ours.

It takes twenty minutes to reach the marketplace set up for the day in the middle of the village's grounds. We make our way over to a close family friend who sells herbs,"How are you doing today Cassia? Mother sent us to get some things."

I hand over the list to Cassia, a woman with vibrant red hair and freckles across her face. She was a little younger than mother but they always found time to see each other every once in a while when they could step away from their children for a day.

"What a pleasure it is to see you and Henrik today. Not many people have stopped by the shop today."

I offer a soft smile,"well, we can stay here for a little bit if you would like that?"

Cassia waves us off with a chuckle,"nonsense, you two are young and need to talk with others your age." Henrik looks up at me and right away I know what he is asking, so I nudge him to go talk with a few other kids around thirteen or fourteen years old. I decide to stay with Cassia since she still has to gather some herbs for us. As she does this, she peers over to me and studies me for a minute. "Alexia dear, have you met any men worthy of your time yet?"

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