Chapter 11

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This scene is no fun without the Gryffindors, so yeah let's just pretend that that Slytherin and Gryffindor have to learn how to dance together (could you imagine Snape trying to do this??)

I make my way towards the Great Hall where we are called to meet. I enter to see the tables gone and out of sight. An empty space is in the middle with benches on two ends, and most of the Gryffindors and Slytherins are already seated when I walk in. When I spot the music player, I know exactly the reason we are here.

I find a seat on the side Professor McGonagall told us girls to go, except I sit in the middle, in between the Slytherin side and the Gryffindor one. I look around to see everyone's confused faces as to why there is a music player in here, but I think the answer is quite obvious.

Everyone finds a seat and talk to others around them while I see Professor McGonagall try to quiet people down. I can see she is struggling so I whistle loudly, the whistle echoing in the room for a few moments.

That got everyones' attention on me, so I point to Professor McGonagall and everyones' eyes follows suit. Professor McGonagall nods at me and I shrug my shoulders in return, "now that I have your attention, lets get started."

She looks at every student in the room and speaks up again, "the Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard tournament since it once came to be. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests, gather in the Great Hall."

Professor McGonagall walks around the room eying everyone to make sure they are paying attention as she continues, "As hosts for the tournament, I expect all of you to put your best foot forward, and I do mean this literally because the Yule Ball is first and foremost, a dance."

All the guys start groaning at the idea of having to dance. On the contrary, I am quite pleased since I love dances. I haven't attended one in over 500 years but that will soon change.

All the girls turn towards each other and already start discussing details of the dance like what color dress they want to get or who they want their date to be. The talking and groaning make the room very loud, and I can see Professor McGonagall getting slightly annoyed once again. Professor Snape stands in the back, silent and wanting nothing to do with this lesson. "Silence!" All the noise ceases, "As hosts, I will not have anyone behaving like a bamlbing bumbling band of baboons."

I hear Fred whisper to George, "Try saying that five times faster." George attempts it in a low whisper and I let out a small laugh from across the room at the two.

She continues on, but I keep listening to Fred and George attempt to say that line faster and faster which is quite amusing to say the least.

They stop when she comes over to all the girls, "Inside every girl, a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forward and take flight."

I give her a look because that is so not true and the thought makes me uncomfortable. Apparently Ron agrees because he whispers something to Seamus and they laugh. Professor swiftly turns towards the boys and says, "Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepares to pounce."

She walks over to where Ron is sitting with Harry and Seamus. "Mr. Weasley."

Ron looks up and grimly replies, "Yes?"

Professor McGonagall offers her hand, "Will you join me please?" Laughter fills up the room as a red faced Ron makes his way to the center. I can hear the Slytherin boys already making up names for Ron as he slowly raises from his seat dreadfully.

I cannot help myself, and I start laughing with everyone else in the room.

"Now, place your right hand on my waist." Ron's face turns a deeper shade of red as he blurts out, "where?" He acts like it is a foreign word or something.

He hesitantly moves his hand and places it on her waist as I hear Draco wolf whistle. Ron tries to ignore the teasing as McGonagall fixes their dancing position which takes a few moments since Ron looks like a lost puppy or something.

Waltz music starts playing from the music player and Professor McGonagall attempts to dance with Ron but he seems hopeless. I look over and see Fred and George swaying to the music while humming the tune.

I hear Harry call back to the twins and says, "Never letting him forget this are you?" The twins face each other and grin evilly, "never."

I laugh once more and rest my chin on my hand as I watch the entertaining dancing. This is the first time in a very long time that something truly funny has occurred that has made me laugh so normally.

"Everybody come together." All the girls rise immediately, so I join them soon after.

"Boys, on your feet!" I see them all exchange worrisome glances for a moment. Who will crack first? They all look at us standing up, waiting impatiently for someone to join us.

A Griffindor, Neville, stands up and makes his way to Hermione to dance. She smiles and they start dancing to the waltz tempo.

Nobody else makes a move and I roll my eyes. Does this have to be done the hard way? I make my way towards the twins. I grab George's arm and look into his eyes, "Come dance with me." He follows me out to where the other two couples are dancing without a question.

He places his hand on my waist as I place mine on his shoulder. We clasp our right hands together and start dancing to the music as well.

Soon the rest of the boys come forward and find a girl to dance with. Most everybody sticks within their house, expect for a few. Like George and myself for example.

George speaks up, "You are a great dancer. How did you learn to dance like this?"

I smirk, "Years of practice."

He gives me an odd look, "You've danced for a while?" It has been a long time but he has no clue just how long.

"I would say so. Learned from my older brothers." Elijah was the one who taught me. I was definitely closest with him than my other brothers because he was the most classy as well so why not take dancing lessons from him?

"You have brothers? I didn't know that."

I tense up slightly wondering why he would want to know, "Why do you care?"

Slightly caught off guard by my harsh response he speaks up, "I was just trying to learn more about you Alexia. I am trying to be friendly..."

I relax and take a deep breath, "Sorry, I'm not the most trusting person anymore due to past events. Anyway, I have three brothers but none of them go here."

He nods his head, "How siblings do you have? I bet we have you beat."

"Well, there were seven of us in total. Five brothers and a sister."

Right away George looks surprised, "Wow, I guess you are tied with my family then!" Then he takes a moment to think and picks up on my past tense, "were?"

A sigh escapes, "Two of my brothers have passed sadly. They were the most kind hearted and innocent out of all of them." A frown appears on my face as I think back to when Henrick died.

I can see George feels guilty for bringing the matter up, "I am sorry for your losses and for bringing up the topic."

Even though I know deep down my emotions are still turned off, a feeling of sadness makes it way into my mind and heart. I brush it off and don't think anything of the emotion swirling inside of me, "no worries, it was a long time ago..."

"Do you still keep in touch with your other siblings though?"

My body tenses at this, "I do not speak with the remainder my family for the most part and do not planning on doing so anytime soon."

George looks like he wants to prove otherwise, yet the music stops before he has the chance to say anything.

We are dismissed, and I leave before George has another chance to speak up about my previous statement.

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