Chapter 17

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"So, have you found yourself a nice dress yet?"

Hermione glances up from the book she is reading across the table from me in the library. I am happy that she found a date to the Yule Ball that made her smile every time she thought about it. She nods her head, "Yes, I found the perfect dress on our last trip to Hogsmeade!"

In a childish manor I ask her, "Can I see?" She bites her lip to hold back another smile as she shakes her head playfully.

"You will have to wait just like everybody else." She laughs as my lips pucker out into a pout, but her decision remains unwavering. "What about you?"

"My friend sent me over a dress from America. She has quite the taste for clothes if I do say so myself." Katerina really does have exquisite taste because the dress she sent to me is gorgeous. I decided it was best to keep quite about having George as my date, considering I was the one who taught her to never walk around with weakness linked at your arm.

Hermione looks at me curious while a smirk plays on my lips, "I would show you, but I guess all is fair, so you have to wait just like everybody else!" We laugh together and in this moment, I am grateful that I have someone else to keep my company while I reside here at Hogwarts until everything is in place. "Have you seen Ron lately? I've been looking around the castle for him."

She lowers her eyes and stares at something catching her attention on the wooden table. Taking a deep breath, she plasters a noticeably fake smile on her face, "No, but I bet if you find Harry then you will find him." I nod, pretending to believe her smile.

"Well it is important, so I best be on my way. See you later Hermione." With that I stand up, scooting my chair back before collecting my things. I make my way out of the library, passing by the books that will never contain the truth about this form of magic.

I decide that going past the Great Hall towards the Gryffindor common room is my best bet. It takes a few minutes to even get to the Great Hall since I do not use my vampire speed; however, before I arrive there, I see someone kneeling next to Aaron's memorial in the hall. The brunette looks up as she hears my footsteps decrease the distance between us.

I was about to pass when she stands up slowly, turning towards me to fully analyze me up and down. "You." I stop in my tracks and put on my best innocent face as I turn towards the sister.


Her lips press together in a firm line as she pauses briefly before speaking up, "You were the one who walked away when I discovered his body. I saw you turn your back, not bothering with the fact that my dead brother was up ahead."

I shoot a sideways glance at her, wondering why she was asking me this. I knew I felt eyes on my back as I walked briskly away from the scene, but I had no clue who it was until now. "So? If you knew anything about me, you would have known that death bothers me for personal reasons."

Her lips twitch, almost forming what looks like a smirk, but instead they only move to her words, "Or maybe you know something about his mysterious death."

My eyes narrow immediately. She better be careful or else her parents will have lost two kids. I step forward, my pupils dilating as I speak to her, "Stop asking questions about Aaron's death. It was a tragedy and you still do not know why or how he died." I step back and carry onwards, attempting to find the annoying redhead whose name is Ron Weasley.

Right outside of the common room I spot Harry, which I was grateful for. "Harry!" I run the rest of the way to meet a surprised and confused Harry. "Have you seen Ron?"

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