Chapter 43

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The night I've been dreading is finally here, but at least I can look forward to hanging out with Jeremy tonight. I need a friend to keep me sane.

My makeup is already done, so I finish my hair. It's almost perfect, except for one little strand of hair sticking out that I can't quite seem to fix, annoying me to no end.

Still struggling, hands weave a few bobby pins neatly into my hair as my own hands lower. I meet the eyes of my sister in the mirror as she smiles, "Done."

"Thank you, Rebekah." My voice is sincere as she pulls up a chair to sit next to me as she pulls out her red lipstick.

She speaks as she perfectly lines her lips, not messing up once, "Of course. You know, I have missed having a sister."

I guess the heavy topics are not going to wait to appear until later in the evening, so a sigh escapes my lips as I respond honestly, "Same...but why did you never help me?"

Her smile drops at this, knowing exactly that she is not innocent. "I have always come back to Nik, yet every time I grow more fearful of what he will do. I was also afraid of being detached from him since I've always been so dependent on him. I should have fought for you, like how we used to fight for each other when we met back up in the 1200s to travel the world and find love." 

Even though I left my family after we turned, no longer able to be with them, I ran into Rebekah while in Italy. At first it had been tense, but she convinced me to give her a second chance. For months we explored the towns of Italy while trying to find men who caught our eye, that is, until Niklaus found her. She had a choice since it was clear I wasn't going to join Niklaus, and she chose him. 

My eyes meet hers, "I understand, but don't you see the problem? It's Niklaus and always has been." 

"I know. I just can't give up on him completely because he is in there somewhere."

A sad smile appear on my face, "His humanity is forever gone. It would take a miracle for him to change."

"Well you never know..." She trails off at this softly. Sarcasm then replaces it, "I mean it's a miracle that Mother returned from the dead."

I chuckle at this but roll my eyes, not pleased that she isn't still dead. "Just what we all wanted." My voice lowers as I turn to face Rebekah straight on, "My instinct is telling me that she's up to something, but we just have to find out what exactly."

Her eyes drift off, "I miss human mother, not this powerful witch of a mother." I nod as she continues, "We will figure it out but tonight, let us enjoy being together again no matter how many hurt feelings there are."

I reach out to grab her hand, "All is not forgiven, but I can do that. We have to stick together in case someone tries something." Rebekah agrees with this and leaves to finish getting ready while I make my way downstairs. 

Music floats through the mansion with undertones of the chatter of the guests. I notice basically the entire town dressed to impress in the ballroom.

I don't see Jeremy yet, but I spot Elena off to the side by herself while the Salvatore brothers are at the bar, eyes trained on Niklaus and Elijah. 

I walk over to Elena, recognition flooding her face. She forces a smile as I stand next to her, looking out at the crowd. Her voice speaks through the music, acknowledging me, "Damon's one night stand."

A smirk plays on my lips, "Jealous?"

The doppelgänger looks caught off caught and struggles to reply right away. She stutters before fake regaining her composure, her heart beating fast to indicate lying, "No, I'm happily with Stefan."

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