Chapter 7

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"Now the moment you all have been waiting for, the champion selection!" Dumbledore's voice carries throughout the hall as he makes this announcement. He moves his hand around the room and almost extinguishes the flames in order for the room to be darker. Dramatics for an audience.

He gradually moves towards the goblet in the middle of the hall which is settled in between all the students. The goblet's blue flames rise out of it in a frantic way, making the atmosphere seem eerie. Most everyone is anxious as well, eager to know who is representing their school.

Everyone, and surprisingly me, have curious faces as we stare at the flames.

A piece of paper soon shoots out of the burning flames and lands in Dumbledore's hand that is held high in the air. He carefully opens the paper, not revealing the script to anyone close by as he announces who the Durmstrang champion is. "Viktor Krum!" A chorus of cheers comes from my table as Viktor stands up and makes his way towards Dumbledore while Igor exclaims with proudness. I cannot say I am surprised at this since Krum is a pro quidditch player and has no fear when it comes to a challenge.

I make eye contact with Hermione across the room as she excitedly claps for Viktor, but I can also tell she is worried since the Triwizard tournament is a dangerous one at that. Viktor shakes hands with Dumbledore and makes his way towards the back room to await the other champions. Everyone's eyes move towards the goblet again, waiting to hear the next name.

The excitement increases in the Great Hall as another paper shoots out. "The champion of Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!" Fleur stands from her seat gracefully as she smiles and walks down the space between the tables as well. Her fellow students clap for her politely and I can also hear a lot of guys wolf-whistling for the beaut. No surprise there. She shakes hands with Dumbledore as well and exits to the room to go meet Viktor.

The last piece of paper flies out onto Dumbledore's hand. The room is dead silent as people wait for the Hogwarts champion, yet the sound of everyones' hearts racing is very loud to me. He holds the paper proudly and announces Hogwarts's very own champion, "Cedric Diggory!"

Cheers erupt from the Hufflepuff table as pretty boy stands up from his seat joyfully. He strides over to shake hands and exits to the room towards Viktor and Fleur.

Such a pretty face Cedric is, it will be interesting to see how he does in the tasks. Hufflepuffs are known to be good finders, so maybe he can edge the muscle. I already count Fleur out of the competition but you never know I guess.

Dumbledore speaks up again with the same energy as everyone else in the room, "Now we have our three champions! But in the end, we will have only one winner that will go down in history. Only one will win the triwizard cup!"

A glass cup is unveiled to the hyped up students and professors. I must admit, the cup is definitely a sight to see in person since it is transparent but almost glistens at the same time. I've seen pictures of the infamous cup while I caught up on Hogwarts History before coming here. While I stare at the cup, I hardly notice the commotion going on with the goblet.

I snap out of my trance when I hear Dumbledore angrily call out Harry Potter's name. I look over to see Hermione nudge the scared boy out of his seat since he is unmoving and rigid. I notice the fear in his green eyes as he makes his way unsurely towards Dumbledore. How did this happen?

I hear murmurs all the way across the room wondering how he got his name in since he is underage. I let my eyes glaze over to spot Ron's angry face as Harry observes the paper that Dumbledore handed to him. I roll my eyes, assuming that Ron probably thinks that Harry figured out a way to get his name in the Goblet in order to gain glory.

I am not one to defend people, but I overheard Harry mention how he wouldn't join even if he could while he was walking to defense against the dark arts with Hermione. Also, this is the work of someone who wants Harry dead since he is the chosen one and all. I do feel bad for him considering the other champions have a few years on him and a lot more magical experience than he does.

All eyes on him, Harry shaking as he makes his way towards the room with the other school champions, who probably have no idea of this situation right now.

People start talking as most of the professors make their way into the room behind a fuming Dumbledore and other heads of school. It is so loud in the Great Hall that I find it hard to hear what is being said in the room. If people would just be quiet and mind their own business, then I could figure out what is going on in the back room.

I close my eyes and try to focus in on Harry and Dumbledore. I hear Harry saying no. I also hear Professor Moody stating how the kind of magic used to get his name is beyond a fourth year's abilities. I cannot hear anything else thanks to the annoying people in the room.

Soon, we are dismissed from the Great Hall, so everyone shuffles out into the corridors and continues gossiping about the tournament. I can tell that most people think Krum or Cedric will win and that Harry and Fleur are going to be in trouble when it comes to the daunting tasks.

I hear a scream from up ahead in the hall and immediately know that someone found Aaron's body. In the back of my mind I want to take it all back, but my emotion switch is still firmly shut off. I also wanted to rattle the students here a bit in the wake of my anger towards myself for being weak about Elliot.

Maybe this will get the attention away from Harry for now since he needs to be focused so he can win and then give me what I need to end Niklaus.

I make my way towards the body that I left sprawled out on the floor by the wall where we were standing. A girl with the same colored brown hair hovers over him sobbing, clinging to his body like she will never let go. She looks up for a moment to face the crowd that is now watching over worriedly, and I see the same blue eyes as his.

Because of all the loud screams and commotion, all of the Professors make their way towards the body and the girl next to it. I can hear them all gasp at Aaron's pale and lifeless body. Snape murmurs to Dumbledore, "The last time we saw anything like this was when the Chamber of Secrets was opened. You don't think-"

Dumbledore shushes Snape, "No. This is not the doing of Voldemort. Something or someone else must have gotten past the security measures and found an innocent victim's life to claim."

They discuss the matter further as Nurse Pomfrey rushes over to the body.

I look around and the people in the crowd are attempting to hold back tears but failing. I guess Aaron was well liked by his peers which is too bad. I offer a fake sad face before backing away from the large crowd. They levitate the body once they usher the girl away from the body and walk towards the infirmary. The girl rises up as they leave, wanting to stay with her now deceased brother but is stopped by a concerned McGonagall.

As I take a few steps backwards still facing the crowd, I feel eyes on me. Not bothering with finding out who, I keep walking towards the dungeons, feeling satisfied with myself. I know deep down that what I did was wrong, but it is in my nature to do so.

Now I know that I will never cry any more tears for Elliot. I am not going to act like Aaron's sister who hopelessly wishes him back and wastes so many tears for him. No, I'm going to keep my head held high and show these witches and wizards who they are dealing with. I will show them that I always get what I persevere for.


okay yeah, so Alexia is kind of a crazy vampire bitch. This is how she acts with her emotions turned off, but that will change :))

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