Chapter 53

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I snap out of my trance as I push the guy before me up against the brick wall harshly. He gasps at the sudden impact as I narrow my eyes. My tone is sharp as I angrily ask, "Who are you and why are you doing this?"

'Elliot' struggles against my deathly tight grasp, "It's me...Elliot."

I'm sick and tired of people manipulating me, and I can't believe someone would stoop this low to rattle me. Angry at the imposter's response, I withdraw my grip slightly only to push his back into the wall harder.

"No you're not! Elliot died over a thousand years ago."

He shakes his shaggy brown hair, the one I used to love to comb my fingers through all the time. "I didn't die Alexia."

"I went back to his village and his family told me that the plague took him. I saw his grave!" Tears of fury fill my eyes as I remember memories I pushed away long ago. "Why are you lying to me?"

I stare at the reflection of the guy I used to love with my entire heart. His eyes soften as I get emotional and softly responds, "The plague did take me initially, but I came back as a vampire."

There is no way this is true since no one knew about what my father made our mother do that fateful night. I shake my head at his reply, "Stop lying!"

He looks down to think for a moment and when his eyes look back up, they seem to stare right into my soul. He tries a different angle to convince me, "Do you remember the second time we saw each other? We saved that poor man from being executed..."

His words chip away at my protective barrier as I think back to the memory.

My body leans against the tree he hid behind when we first met. Worry consumes me when he doesn't show right away but after a few minutes, Elliot appears. A bright smile radiates from both of us.

He offers his hand to me, "Shall we go for a stroll?" I nod my head as I place my hand in his, which seem to fit perfectly.

I ask him as we walk further into the woods, "What do you enjoy doing?"

He answers without having to think, "Writing."

My eyebrows raise at this, "Really?" I didn't take him for a man who spent his free time writing when most his age practice their fighting skills every spare moment they have.

A shy smile appears on his face, "I know it sounds silly..." I quickly interject to disagree with him. "I love writing about the past...the present..."

"What about the future?"

My tone is curious as he suddenly stops to turn and face me, "I'm looking at it." My cheeks warm at his comment, despite how cheesy he is. He cups my reddened cheeks with his hands as he leans in.

Right as our lips are about to meet, we pull away when we hear a man screaming for mercy. Our eyes widen as we run to the source to find two men with swords at the ready, taunting a homeless man.

Elliot demands, "What is going on here?"

One of the men wielding a sword speaks, "This man stole from us."

The homeless man cries out, "I have nothing! I was starving and desperate."

"Quiet! Now you must pay with your life." I stare at the homeless man in pity as the other man raises his sword to his victim's neck.

Elliot is quick to pull out his own sword in a challenging manner, "Leave him be." Suddenly the three start to fight, so I make my way to the homeless man and urge him to run. He thanks me as he takes off as fast as his scrawny legs can take him.

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