Chapter 34

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I roll my eyes as I stare at the new educational decree in addition to the many more hanging up on the stone wall. Of course Umbridge is suspicious of people working against her but expelling anyone in an organization that does not disband? Ridiculous.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione walk up and stand behind me, glancing over the twenty something decrees. I mumble out, "I hate this."

They nod and Hermione says, "Where is Dumbledore when you need him?"

We continue to peer on, but Neville comes over to us, "I found it." We all turn around to see an excited Neville. I raise my eyebrows and he continues on, "A place for us to meet." Recognition floods our eyes as Neville waves his hand as a gesture to follow.

We make our way to the seventh floor, finding the twins on the third to come join us. No one speaks as we walk as if on a mission. 

The seventh floor is empty as we stand in front of a wall. Ron starts to speak, "Neville we can't just practice in the hallway-"

He is cut off by a door appearing in front of us. Neville holds the door open for us as we file into the large room. My eyes glance around the dimly lit room as Hermione breathes out in amazement, "You've done it Neville. You found the Room of Requirement."

I've read about this room but am not surprised Ron hasn't as he asks, "The what?"

"It's also known as the come and go room."

I add onto Hermione's thought, "The room only appears when someone is in great need of something and the room then provides it."

"So...say you really needed a toilet..."

I look at Ron incredulously, "That's charming, Ron." 

He smiles at my words as Hermione rolls her eyes at the guy she is not so secretly in love with, "That is the general idea."

Harry steps out in front of all of us, looking at the entire room again. When he turns to face us, a bright smile appears on his face, "Brilliant! It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back."

I can tell Harry is inspired, "Hermione, do you think you can organize a meeting for later tonight?" She nods her head at this and Harry looks ready, yet uncertain at the same time. 


Hermione made sure everyone in the DA was aware that we are meeting tonight about thirty minutes after dinner, so no one is suspicious if we are not in the Great Hall. 

Astoria and I eat until a young Gryffindor comes up to me. He tries to appear confident but the other Slytherins shoot him nasty looks. 

I smile as I greet the boy, "Ignore them."

He hands me a note, "I was asked to give this to you." He then scurries off, not wanting to deal with the eyes on him anymore. 

Astoria sees the piece of parchment, "Who is that from?"

I mumble, "I have no idea."

My hands work to unfold the parchment to reveal a note:

Meet me in the owlery after dinner


A smile appears on my face, happy that George finally wants to see me. I knew he just needed time, but it has been hard being away from someone I grew so close to in such a short period of time. Astoria has a knowing look on her face, "You better fill me in."

I nod my head and get up to start walking towards the owlery. 

I spot George by one of the open windows looking out towards the mountains. I take a moment to admire how peaceful he looks right now. He looks content and so thoughtful that I almost don't want to disturb him. 

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