Chapter 9

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Over one hundred reads...thank you so much :) Here is a longer chapter to celebrate! Also do you want shorter chapters or same length? Let me know!

Since today is November 24th, that means that Harry and the other champions will officially begin the tournament.

Bundled up in warm clothes, I start walking towards the pitch with Ron in tow. He has finally calmed down since the whole Aaron thing a while back thankfully. The past few weeks have been uneventful since no more evidence of someone looking into vampires has come up or anything else weird. I have started to talk with Harry and Hermione some more, which has been a nice break for me, and I think we have finally gotten to the point of being past acquaintances. It is nice having people to talk to instead of keeping to myself I have to admit. 

Before we go to sit down in the stands with everyone else to watch the task, I drag Ron behind the tent where the champions await the first task. I speak up in a hushed tone so not one walking by can hear, "Ron, not that I am giving you much say in the matter, I want to bring up the option to help Harry with the first task."

Ron looks surprised that I want to help Harry, "How would you do that and why?"

I give him a look , "I have my reasons for helping him and I think we are actually on a consistent talking basis now. I need him alive though and he is facing a dragon Ron! I want to go back into the tent to see if I could use mind compulsion on the dragon he gets. I do not know if it will work, but I do not think it is a long shot."

He contemplates his options, not that there really is one since I want to help Harry no matter what, but I figured I should ask Ron as well. He responds, "well even though I am kind of suspicious about your motives here, I think you should try. I know I may seem angry with Harry, but he is still my best friend. I just wanted to be in the tournament and somehow he managed to be a part of it. I don't think he put his name in anymore..."

Satisfied with his answer and his new perspective on the Harry situation I say, "I am glad that you finally got your head out of the gutter and realized the truth. In terms of the other thing, all I gather from that is a yes. Now do you know where the dragons are kept?"

He nods his head and points behind the tent ,"Yes, my brother brought them in from Romania. They are right behind the champions tent here."

"Ok, it should be easy to hear which dragon Harry draws." I go to walk towards the place where the dragons are kept behind the big tent and I see no one in sight.

I stop when Ron calls out, "Alexia, wait!" He runs towards me and stops as if he is thinking for a moment. I raise my eyebrows waiting for him to say something, "Look, just do whatever you have to do in order for Harry to live."

I roll my eyes, "Didn't we just discuss this Ron?" How daft is he? We literally just agreed on this.

He states nonchalantly, "yes, but I just want to say that if the mind control thingy on the dragon doesn't work, I give you permission to help him any other way."

I glare at Ron as he finishes his sentence since he 'gives me permission.' I grab his neck and raise him in the air. He struggles against my death grip around his neck.

"Are you doubting my abilities Ron?"

Out of breath, he tries to say no. I shake my head, "I thought you knew better than to doubt me. Do not doubt me or give me permission for something I have every right to do."

He nods his head and gasps for breath. I drop him when I hear Hermione call out Ron's name. He gets up and regains his breath as quickly as he can as I roll my eyes at him and lightly shove him to lighten up the mood. Even though I still put fear into Ron's head, I don't think I would ever actually hurt him at this point. I hate to admit it, but the red head has grown on me slightly. 

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