Chapter 29

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Hogwarts stands tall and strong as I peer up at the grand castle that I have missed. Even though it has only been a few months since I 'died', I didn't realize how much I missed this special place until I was gone for so long. Something pulls my heart as my eyes wander over towards the owlery, my safe spot for free thinking.

I walk through the school grounds that are empty right now, quietly recalling past memories, and soon enough I find myself inside the castle. Time seems to wait patiently as I stroll through the castle in silence, having a long moment. 

The chatter from the Great Hall increases as I wander over that way. Everyone is gathered for announcements and dinner, completely unaware of the shock they are about to experience.

Outside of the hall, I pass by the spot where my brother Kol confronted me last year. Part of me wishes that I had the chance to hug him back tightly, but at the same time there is a reason for all this tension.

What's sad is that my friends here have showed more concern for me and my well being than my family. Katerina has told me that my siblings keep bouncing back between Mystic Falls and New Orleans, not caring or knowing that I am alive or what I am up to.

Katerina's words echo in my head as I stand in front of the closed doors to the Great Hall. 'You know how to make an entrance.' Part of me wishes I could simply stroll in like a normal witch and be casual about everything, but my life and story is too complicated. 

Not only will people here realize I am alive but will see my ability to do non-verbal magic without a wand. I know endgame for me means everyone knowing exactly who I am, so this is one step on the right path towards this goal. 

Showing my ability will also be protection for me since no one will even want to try anything.

Realizing that I am almost defending the dramatics I am about to bring, I stop procrastinating and take a deep breath before closing my eyes. My hands raise from behind closed doors as I put out the lights and extinguish the fires illuminating the room inside.

A smile forms when I hear confused, panicked talk. The doors push forward loudly and shut behind me as I walk in towards Dumbledore's podium.

As the students sit in the dark, knowing someone is here, the professors attempt to calm the students by telling everyone to calm down and that everything is going to be alright. I feel Dumbledore's power trying to fight mine to reignite the flames, but I push back twice as strong.

I finally withdraw and let Dumbledore add light to the room. I use my speed to run around so fast to the point where I am simply a blur. 

His voice forcefully fills the room loud and clear, "Show yourself."

I flash towards the podium, ending up right next to him. It takes a moment before people glance towards the front, and when they do, I hear gasps fill the room.

My entrance probably frightened people in light of Voldemort's return and a grave death last year. I am not here to scare anyone, yet I also couldn't resist. "Hello Headmaster."

He stares at me, confused, but with a knowing glint noticeable in his eyes, "But how?"

I chuckle lightly as I tilt my head to the right slightly, "I am already dead."

My favorite Ravenclaw then stands up to make her presence known as well. Lillian speaks, "Wooden stakes through the heart kill vampires though."

"You seem to be wrong with most things when it comes to my kind. You're right though, I am no ordinary vampire. I can do magic as well so I am a hybrid of some sorts."

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