Ending of Part 1-Chapter 27

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Here it is! 

Today marks the last day and grand conclusion of the Triwizard Tournament. The much anticipated ending is here, and it all comes down to who is the strongest and can overcome danger. 

You know that feeling that things are going too well and something is bound to happen? Well in the past few days, I have been having this feeling that something is about to come crashing down. 

I'm no seer, but I do see the signs of a devious plan when they appear. People are on edge, acting strange, and the tension in the air can be cut with a knife it is that apparent. 

I have no idea what is going to happen or how to handle it, so instead I just worry for the champions going through this daunting task today.

I wish I could speak up about this eerie feeling to someone who could help, but am not sure how my fellow classmates would take to it. Even though people have opened up to me more, especially after seeing the way George and I lovingly interact, there is still some tension here and there. I worry that if I don't tell someone about my feeling and something does occur, I would be partially to blame.

The hype of the last task is insane as everyone makes their way to the pitch, speculating who is going to win and who is going to falter. Everyone is in agreement that Fleur will yet again not be able to complete the task, and I have to agree based off her inability to get through the second task. 

Up ahead, I hear Draco saying that he hopes Harry bites it, in what we assume is a maze from the giant hedges that have consumed the pitch. I move quickly to meet him ahead, "Draco, I would like to see you try."

He chuckles, "Love, I would slay the competition."

Of course he still calls me love, although now I am not as annoyed since I know he is no longer serious after our talk. 

It is my turn to laugh, "I think Fleur would have you beat." With that, I trudge on ahead as I hear the surrounding people laugh at what I had to say to Draco. I turn back around to shoot him a wink to let him know I was kidding since I actually can tolerate him now. I would even go as far to call him a friend since he we both know what the other is hiding after all.

I glance around the stands to try and find my friends. Ron, Hermione and the twins already found seats, and I see George wave me over. I weave my way through the large crowd to reach the group.

"Hey love." George gives me a side hug and a gentle peck on the cheek that, which makes me smile to myself. Even the simple things make me happy now. 

Fred and I make eye contact, sharing more than what meets the eye. "Hi Fred," I say simply.

He nods his head in response, yet I see a small smile spread across his face before he turns away so no one notices. I look curiously at him, wondering why my hello produced that kind of smile on his face but leave it be. 

Before I can think about it more, I remember the feeling of danger when I notice that almost everyone is seated. "Where's Harry? I want to wish him good luck." Hermione points him out towards the entrance of the maze. I give Hermione a thanks before taking off, not looking back as I rush over to my friend.

"Harry!" He glances over at the sound of his name and gives me a tight hug, probably since he is freaking out inside. I let him embrace me for a decent length of time since he obviously needs it, but pull away with a serious face, "Something is not right."

Confusion spreads across his face and his nerves are apparent as I see him shake his legs slightly, "Like what? What do you mean?"

Shaking my head slightly, I say, "That's the thing...I don't have a clue but I have a feeling that someone is about to get betrayed."

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