Chapter 52

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A few weeks have passed and each day seems like the last. I wake up, help out the twins with their orders, tease George about Angelina, and avoid Fred. I've barely spoken to Fred since he kissed me that night since we both know the other is hurt and confused. 

I'm too strong to let my feelings get in the way of my integrity. Chasing after some guy that is still with another is beneath me, so the only way is to avoid those feelings altogether. 

There are moments in passing but they mostly involve small talk and an awkward shuffle around each other. It's difficult to wrap my head around why this situation is so complicated, but I know its a mixture of Fred not wanting to hurt Angelina and me trying to protect myself the best I can. 

George keeps going on and on about how Fred isn't happy in his relationship with Angelina and how frustrating it is to see his twin frustrated over a situation that can be fixed with one action. 

The pair have history, which is probably what's keeping them together. Some people like to right the wrongs they've done to satisfy their guilt. 

I know George is still fighting his feelings for Angelina and I hate the way his face drops when Fred mentions something about him and Angelina. It sounds bad for me to say, but it's obvious that George cares more about Angelina than Fred does. 

We both don't understand their relationship, yet it's out of our hands. I told George that Fred and Angelina have to come to this realization on their own, but I never thought it would take this long. 

Today is a new day, so anything can happen. I woke up this morning with a knot in my stomach for some reason, although I can't figure out a reason as to why I feel strange.

I've been trying to shake this feeling all morning, knowing that if it's something physical, it will be healed with my vampire blood in mere seconds. 

Part of me worries if this means war is here and the other part knows that Harry hasn't finished his mission yet. Today doesn't seem like a day where people will die in battle.

As I get ready for the day, I exit the bathroom, only to run into Fred. I silently groan, not wanting to experience another fake nice conversation that is out of character for the both of us. 

I keep my eyes down, not looking into his eyes as I step around Fred to let him pass. Once I think I've escaped him, his voice is quiet, "Alexia?"

My eyes close in frustration for a moment before I turn around with a tight smile plastered on my face, "Yes?"

Fred shifts his weight before opening his mouth, "How are you?"

This causes me to roll my eyes, "Fred, enough of this. I'm done with this annoying small talk."

His eyes widen slightly with his words coming out in a rushed panic, "I just meant that you've seem kind of down and out of it recently. I wanted to know if you're alright."

My eyes soften when he says this, pleased that he's noticed how I've been acting these past few weeks and that he cares. I let out a sigh, "It's not easy being in the same room with you."

Hurt flashes in his eyes at my comment, "I didn't realize..."

"Of course you don't realize because you're more concerned with Angelina than about how I would feel everyday that she's over here, clinging onto you." 

I feel anger consume me, not noticing how much anger I had in me until now. "Do you realize how long it took me to open my heart up to another guy after mine was broken time and time again by my family and Elliot? It was easy falling for you after we mended things between us because I think I knew in my heart that you were what I needed in my life."

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