Chapter 6

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The next day arrives quickly, and I predict that some people will be talk about Ron's kiss with the older Slytherin girl. I don't really care if it will cause the girl issues since she kissed a Gryffindor, it's her issue now.

As I walk out from the dungeons, I listen in to the conversations speculating about how and why the kiss happened. Some people thing that they are actually a thing but even if the girl was not compelled, that would never happen, especially because it is quite obvious that he is in love with Hermione. Too bad Viktor has her attention right now and Ron is too coward to stand up and tell her how he feels.

I am left to my thoughts during my free period as I find a bench to sit on outside.

Humans are so silly yet crucial to my life, oh the irony. The fact that most people have not come to realize the fact they live amongst vampires like me and other creatures is astonishing. I know they have heard about some dark creatures but have not actually allowed themselves to accept this fact as true.

I mean honestly, I am surprised that these witches and wizards do not know more about immortal beings and other forms of magic.

The students here at Hogwarts know of vampires, but they would not even consider one being here in school.

Sometimes I get so annoyed by their arrogant ways but they provide life for me, so I just have to deal with it. Not only is their blood key for my survival, but it makes me stronger physically and mentally. Compulsion works perfectly as well as entering peoples' minds when they are sleeping or even sometimes when they are awake if they clear their mind. I can make people see memories or dream certain things.

There are moments when I think people here secretly suspect something about me. There is a look that people give me when I pass by. It is different than the one they give to Draco, since that look is either out of fear or respect. I should be getting a look like the one Draco gets.

He may be the Slytherin Prince and all but he does not intimidate me one bit. No with his go to line of "my father will hear about this!"

I used to be one of the youngest and frailest of my family before I was turned. I was a feeble girl who could not stand up for herself. I let everyone walk all over me, which always led to me left in the dust or hurt.

Becoming a vampire made me not afraid of death and of taking risks.

I think back to the time that changed everything. Many years ago, and by many I mean over a thousand, my father wanted to protect his children from the raging beast in a near village. We lived among this creature in peace until he took his first victim in my family-Henrick. The werewolf started a war and Father had enough of loss.

I will never forget the look on Niklaus's face when he brought back our youngest sibling. He was human then but not the brightest person since he always seemed to get on father's bad side. This always resulted in may fights and tension amongst the family but the moment when Henrick died was when that was put aside for a moment.

My father searched for a way for his kids to become equal to this creature. He looked for months until he came upon a shocking fact: My mother was a witch, the kind that has been aiming to destroy vampires. She knew she could use dark magic to make her children immortal but did not feel like it was right. After all, humans were made to die eventually and not to live on for eternity.

However, my dad would not back down. Having a goal in mind, he threatened my mother into performing the spell. He can be quite terrifying at times and very controlling, so she finally agreed. She knew though that no being so powerful and indestructible could walk the earth without some kind of weakness since the witches would not tolerate this big of an imbalance in nature.

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