Chapter 45

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Make sure to read until the won't regret it ;) (Ha or maybe you will! Read and find out)

Two weeks later

After Finn's death, I decided to take my siblings' offer up to move into the house. We were all shocked by Finn's death, all upset that he is forever gone despite never really liking him. Rebekah took it hardest and then completely lost it once our mother was killed once and for all.

Mother decided she wouldn't back down, even despite our link being broken, and planned to strip us of our vampirism to kill us. She turned Alaric into a crazy vampire hunter with an indestructible white oak stake, which is still out there terrorizing us.

I was devastated for a moment after seeing her die but then relief flooded me. It was finally over, for the time being. The Mystic Falls crew have a plan to fix Alaric and once this happen, I know Niklaus will come back for the stake to make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands.

After the whole trying to kill us and every single vampire ordeal, Niklaus wanted to unleash his wrath on the town, but we all stopped him from doing so. It was clear that being reminded of their actions would only lead to all their deaths, so it has been decided as a family, which is surprising in itself, that we want to escape this crazy town to instead go to New Orleans, a city a few of my siblings had claimed as their own centuries ago.

I sit at my desk, staring at George's latest letter in front of me.


You are probably getting sick of that owl by now...if you're even getting these letters. We haven't heard from you in two months now and are freaking out. Fred hasn't been the same...So much has happened since you left, including the two of us dropping out of school to open a joke shop. It's finally happening, and we couldn't be more excited about it (although mum has been a pain in the arse about money).

Just tell us you're alright.

X George

It doesn't surprise me that the twins left to begin a new chapter in their lives, especially after reading Ron's letter about how much worse Umbridge got after the holidays. A smile tugs at the corner of my lips, and I realize that I am safe and can let them know.

I pull out some parchment and a quill I brought back with me. I dip the quill in the black ink and start writing.

Dear George (and everyone else since I know he will show this to all of you),

Please stop freaking out, I'm alright now. These past two months have been dangerous for me, so I had to be in the right headspace in order to stay alive. My mother is dead...I was right about her intentions being evil since she tried to kill me and my siblings. She almost succeeded...thankfully we stopped her once and for all.

I'm so sorry I could not respond, but I hope you understand it was necessary. Not that I would call you a distraction, but there was too much on the line for me to waver. I miss you all so much and want to come back, but I'm following my family to New Orleans since we have some things to mend. You will hear from me from now on, I will promise you all that. Keep me updated on everything and sleep well now knowing I am alive.

To the twins-I'm so proud of you two for starting the joke shop and I can't wait to see it when I return.

With love,

Alexia Mikaelson

I decide to start packing all my belongings up for the trip down to New Orleans but am disrupted when Elijah walks in. He stands, leaning against the doorframe, not saying a word. I stop packing and raise my eyebrows, "Yes, Elijah?"

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