Chapter 24

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Shoutout to the readers who are voting <3 Thank you so much! Hope you guys are all enjoying the story. I've been rewriting the next few chapters leading up to the ending of part 1, so it's been a little slower updating. I'll try to get another chapter out tomorrow!

I find myself standing at the top of the astronomy tower, enjoying the view of Hogwarts from so high up. 

In the distance, I see a few people playing Quidditch even though it is cancelled this year. I remember back to the conversation Fred had with Angelina, so my curiosity gets the better of me.

I briskly walk down the stairs, wondering how their fight is going to turn out. I just always have a need to know what is going on with the people around me since that has always been a way of protecting myself.

As I near the lake, I try and find a certain redhead without being seen. The noise from the castle becomes distant as I reach the sandy shores. 

My feet come to a standstill when I see something that I never thought I would see. Fred sits under the giant tree that I like to climb up every once in a while. Even far away, I see tears roll down his face as he looks out towards the lake blankly.

I realize this must mean that Angelina did not show up, so their relationship must be officially over now. I feel conflicted since he has been a jerk to me, yet I understand how hard betrayal hits. My body stays in the shadows, not wanting him to see me and angrily lash out. 

No longer curious, I start to walk away to leave him be, but I hear him grunt in anger. I peer over my shoulder to see Fred taking his anger out on the tree.

His feet repeatedly kick the tree, which does absolutely nothing considering how large and strong the tree is compared to him.

"Stupid..." he mutters to himself and pulls out his wand from the pocket of his robe. 

He casts a few spells that I don't pay attention to, most of which he says under his breath. I don't know what he expects he can do to the poor tree, but one of the spells shakes the tree roughly in an alarming way.

While Fred is too out of it to notice, my eyes look upwards to see a giant tree trunk snapping off from far above. My eyes widen since Fred is unaware of the trunk gaining momentum.

Without thinking twice, I use my vampire speed to quickly grab and push Fred out of the way. A moment later, the trunk slams tot he ground where he previously stood. The ground shakes beneath us as a loud noise echoes across the lake. 

My body ends up on top of his with my hands holding a fistful of his sweater. I finally at his face which is right below mine, shock evident in his eyes, yet he does not react. My eyes glance at my hands, and I quickly stand up, separating our bodies.

I offer my hand out to him, which he takes. Once he is on my feet, he looks over at the tree trunk. His words are quiet, "You saved my life."

No words come out of my mouth, yet I manage to nod my head. We both start walking back towards the castle, eyes forward and mouths closed. It seems like a long time before we make it to the hall and it is time for me to walk towards the dungeons and him to his common room.

We part ways, unsure of what to do. 

As I wind down and get ready for bed, I remember that a good amount of my anger towards Fred was from the thought of him being behind the one trying to figure out what I am and how to plan my downfall. He is innocent though.


I don't make it to breakfast the next morning since I decide to find Ron before classes instead. I spot him at the entrance of the Great Hall talking to Lillian. My eyes narrow at the werewolf, wondering why she is talking to Ron. 

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