Chapter 56

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It's been a year since my world came crashing down and a year since something offered up a newfound purpose to my pathetic immortal life.

I've traveled around the world, working on new spells to protect myself from my ruthless father trying to hunt all of us down. I always wondered what immortality would have in store for me and I know now that it's this magic.

The brown leather book is becoming filled with a variety of spells, and I can't help but feel proud of myself. When I was human, I assumed I would marry and become a loyal wife. That was my future then but now, my future has endless possibilities.

On my own, I've created an image of myself as someone so strong that nothing and especially no one could get in my way. Nothing phased me and nothing could shake me...that is until I met Silas.

I was invited to a sophisticated party in France celebrating the reign of a new king, so I saw no reason not to go, although I wish I hadn't.

I compelled a nice long, flowing dress from a local shop and admired it as I made my way to the castle. France was a country divided but this event was meant to celebrate a new era of society and peace.

All the distinguishable members of society intermingled as we all awaited the king to grace us with his presence.

Horns blare loudly, signaling his majesty has arrived, and we all turn our heads to watch a young man enter confidently.

There was something that pulled me to him, curious about him with desire to know more.

A woman around my age behind me sighs to her friend, "I wish he would announce that he wants to wed. Maybe then he would have a chance."

I snicker as I look over my shoulder at the naive girls, "Even if he did, I doubt you would catch his attention." The two girls frown, yet I don't care since nothing affects me anymore.

Once the trumpets stopped, everyone returned back to talking, but I managed to catch the king in a strange gaze. With a slightly flick of his head, he gestured for me to come over to him.

I made my way over in a tantalizing manner, knowing that he was keen towards me by the dark look that clouded his green eyes.

Those eyes reminded me of Elliot, but the reminder feels more of a dull pain since I shut off any love I held towards that man long ago.

Curtsying towards him, he returns with a bow. "Would you care to walk with me for a bit?" I nod, wondering why he wants to get me away from his own celebration. He waves off the guards as we exit the loud room and walk through a deserted hall.

"You know King Phillip, I hear you have quite the reputation."

His green eyes lock on mine as he asks with a strange tone, "And what is that?"

My voice is playful as I elaborate, "You are quite the woman's man."

His eyebrows raise, "How would you know that miss..."

The king trails off, encouraging me to offer him my name. "Alexia Mikaelson. I may have asked around the village before coming here tonight. I always like the know what I'm getting myself into, especially with the curious ones that are clearly hiding something."

A thoughtful looks appears on his face, "That's reasonable." His face turns dark, catching me off guard a bit at the sudden change in atmosphere, "I am hiding something but as are you."

My body freezes, yet my voice cooly states, "Aren't we all. Now I must get back to the celebration." I try to leave, thinking that this man has caught wind of the notion that vampires exist. Even though I haven't seen my siblings, I've heard the whisperings of powerful hunters trying to protect the unsuspecting people.

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