Chapter 18

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Updating again since I actually have wifi for once in Mexico. Side note: my best friend has been making me watch Nicholas Sparks movies since I have never seen them before, but now I have super high expectations for guys. I feel like Fred/George would make perfect boyfriends...where can I find me a Fred or George pls help.

Anyways, here is another chapter!

I can't remember the last time I had dressed up so elegantly like I am now. I feel empowered even more so with my hair pulled up in a half up, half down fashion with some loose curls cascading down my back.

My long, midnight blue dress shows off my back with the openness, yet softens my appearance. It comes in at my waist before falling down in an A line fashion. Normally I go for black, but blue is a nice change.

Instead of opting for a dark makeup look, I go more neutral, not wanting to look so harsh.

I take one more look at my reflection, pleased with every counterpart of my ensemble.

I decide to make my way though the Slytherin Common Room in hopes of finding an acquaintance to enter the Great Hall later. Most girls have already left to meet up with their dates or are still attempting to perfect their outfits for the ball. There are a few guys waiting, but the only person I recognize is none other than Draco Malfoy.

"Well, well, well don't you look hot in that dress, Alexia."

I roll my eyes almost routinely, "I'm in a decent mood for once, so I will let that comment slide tonight." I walk past his put together figure, although I stop before I exit the room, "Have fun at the ball tonight, Draco." With that, I leave the common room to walk towards the hall.

Pushing back all of my weighing thoughts, I tell myself to just focus on the dance and George; however, I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something, or someone, is going to sabotage my leisurely night.

My echoing stiletto footsteps quiet down as I enter the area above the staircase where many students are chatting amongst themselves.

As I make my way down the steps gracefully, I feel numerous eyes on me, but I only look straight ahead at George who is waiting for me towards the entrance doors of the dance.

My fingers slip into his outstretched hand as he takes in my appearance while I do the same. It is quiet for a moment before I speak up first, "Well Georgie, don't you look quite dashing in a suit." I offer him a genuine smile after my genuine words.

He regains his composure, "I do look handsome in these dress robes, don't I?" We laugh perfectly in sync without trying, which only leads to us sharing more giggles and chuckles. I cover my mouth before I let my true self slip away even more than it already has this night.

I link my elbow through his as we head inside. George pipes up again, "You look gorgeous." I look up at him and wish in that moment I could still blush like feeble humans do. I smile and nod in gratitude, happy that I can enjoy myself tonight.

George maneuvers us through the gathering crowd, awaiting the champions. Before I know it, we are in front of Fred and his date, Angelina. George sends me an apologetic looks before hugging Angelina and complementing her dress.

Fred shuffles uncomfortably as I stare him down. In a quiet and neutral tone with a hint of anger, Fred says, "Do you mind?" My eyes snap into a cold glare and I want to flush in embarrassment as I realize that not only was I attempting to intimidate him, I had taken in his appearance momentarily.

"I would apologize, but I don't see any reason for me to do so."

George cuts in, bumping shoulders with his twin, "Freddie, don't you think Alexia looks fantastic tonight?"

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