Savior // Manuel Neuer

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"Want to join me," the brown haired man behind you on the dance floor pushed some of your hair behind your ear and continued his seductive talking, now without having to deal with your hair that was literally everywhere. "Back to my place?"

He had his upper body pressed against your back while his hands were resting on your hips, inching you closer and closer by the second since all the dancing pushed you away from each other.

"I don't think that's a good idea." You concluded quickly, even if your mind was clouded from the alcohol you had had earlier that night and your voice was as unstable as your whole body was right now. It was a wonder you hadn't fallen yet, especially since you were in heels and the alcohol affected your balance.

The guy moved his face just a little closer to your ear and you felt his lips pucker, giving you small pecks just behind the ear. "Why not, honey?" He moved his hands so he held his arms around your whole torso, as if he hugged you, or simply deciding that he was not letting you leave him so he kept you still forcefully.

At his small kisses you felt uncomfortable, somehow still aware of the fact that your boyfriend was somewhere in this club with one of his best friends Thomas. You eagerly tried to squirm out of the grip the brown haired guy had on you from behind but didn't get any results other than him keeping you even closer.

"Don't leave, babe, join me to my place." He suggested once again, this time turning you around so he was facing your now scared features. He smirked and kept his grip around you as he made you look into his green eyes full of lust. "Why are you making this so difficult, sugar?"

You didn't like the nicknames he was giving you without asking for your permission. It made you feel violated and you deeply regretted leaving your boyfriend about fifteen minutes ago when he didn't want to dance with you. You had asked him to dance with you even though your breath stank of alcohol and you could barely keep a good posture. He declined, saying he'd rather stay at the bar with Thomas, so you left him immediately, rushing into the crowd of dancing and sweating people. Someone had grabbed your hand and thinking it was Manuel you had turned around to tell him off, but to both your disappointment and excitement, instead of being met with his lovely blue orbs you were met with green unfamiliar ones.

Since then the green eyed man with brown hair, and you, had danced together on the dance floor. Perhaps some of the moves the two of you performed were a bit too mature since you just met, but being under the influence of alcohol and the rush of having left your boyfriend for a couple of minutes caused you to not recognize that.

"I have a boyfriend." You breathed out and felt yourself sobering up slightly as he hummed, turning you around in his grip so you were once again with your back pressed against his front. His lips found your neck and you desperately tried to push him off of you but with no luck. "Let go of me, I said I have a boyfriend!"

He chuckled and let his lips trace up to your ear, taking his time while leaving tiny kisses on your neck along the way. "I heard, love." His voice made your whole body shiver in disgust and the hairs on your arms stand up as if you were cold.

"Leave me alone!" You squeaked and tried to scream for someone to help you, but quickly realized that the music was too loud for your scream to be heard and the bodies surrounding you too many for anyone to see what was going on. To them it probably looked like some couple dancing and having a real blast.

"There, there, stay calm, darling." His grip on you eased quite a bit as he turned half his body around to look for the exit, so you took your chance and quickly escaped him, pushing people out of your way, frankly not giving them a second thought as all you wanted was to get back to your boyfriend who you had previously dissed.

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