Games // David Alaba

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Happy birthday, Amal! This is especially for you! (But also for everyone who wants a David Alaba of their own, including me.)


"Hello ladies, how are you doing tonight?" David fired off a charming smile to the two blondes standing by the bar, swinging their hips not so subtly to the music. Their movement stopped quickly as if they were paralyzed when they saw who was talking to them. You were sure that if you didn't know David, you would have passed out the second he started talking to you. If he would even talk to you.

The women and David chatted for a while before one of the girls slipped a napkin over the wooden bar towards the footballer, and instantly a pang of jealousy went through your whole body. The jealousy soon turned into desire and all you wanted was to grab David, drag him away from the two girls and kiss him, with him pressing you against a wall while you held onto his neck. Preferably those two girls would stare at the two of you in awe, wishing with all of their hearts that they'd be you while you knew that David was yours and not anyone else's.

Shaking your head, realizing how selfish you sounded, you woke yourself up from your desperate wishes of having David and decided to play the same game as he was. You knew he felt something towards you, just not what. There was some kind of tension between the two of you and you were constantly flirting with each other, still David always managed to slip away from you to find other women the nights you were out together. Fine, two can play this game.

While sweeping your eyes across the bar you saw a handsome man sitting lonely while holding a beer in his right hand, glancing out over the crowd every other minute. You smirked for yourself, thinking that if you flirted enough with this man while maybe catching the eyes of David once or twice, it might be enough to make David jealous so he could act on whatever feelings he had for you.

"What is a guy like you doing here sitting all by yourself?" You leant against the bar half a meter away from the lonely man and fired off a friendly but at the same time seductive smile. He looked straight into your eyes with such a happy pair of eyes that you might've just shot yourself right then and there. He looked delighted someone was there, talking to him, and you were only doing it for your own selfish reasons. Or maybe he was smiling because of something else, you weren't certain. To keep your heart in one piece you hoped he didn't smile because he had been lonely previously.

He fixed his posture and sat more straight up while setting his beer down onto the wood and cleared his throat, ready to speak up. "I think a more... Appropriate question, would be why you are here, when you clearly want to be with that guy over there." His smirk was wide, almost teasing as if he had known you for a long time, but it managed to get your cheeks red nonetheless. "If you're here to ask for help, I'm more than happy to help – I've been in your position once, believe it or not." He chuckled and took a quick swig of his beer, searching your orbs for an answer to his proposal.

"I'm sorry... I'm truly an idiot!" You began to sit down on the stool beside the man you were currently in a conversation with and slumped down in the seat as if you were a sack of flour. "I'm just jealous of all the girls David talk to, even though we clearly have something, and I just- ugh!" You were frustrated to the max right now and if it was possible, your cheeks was probably even redder now. "Why am I even telling you this, gosh. I should stop." You giggled embarrassedly and was about to get up just as the guy grabbed your hand and pulled you back into your seat beside him.

"Look, when I was in your position I was much worse. I basically told the woman I was using for bait my whole life story. She had agreed to help me, but I'm fairly certain she didn't give a damn or two about what I told her." He chuckled and sent you a loop sided smile, still holding onto your hand. "Just stay here for a few minutes and try to convince your friend that you're having a great time so he'll come over here and disturb us."

This guy was brilliant, you had to admit. It warmed your heart that he wanted to help you, even if you originally were to use him, as he put it, as bait. He didn't mind. "I'm Y/N." You croaked and smiled, still feeling the redness on your cheeks.

"I'm Mats."

You looked over to David and noted that he was glancing your way, but remembering that you were in the middle of a game, you decided to just give your full attention to Mats right now.

"Is he looking this way?" Mats grinned and made himself a bit more comfortable again, leaning against the bar with his beer can in his right hand. He looked dashing, you had to admit that, but he was nowhere near David. David was gorgeous, he was perfect in almost every way, and it still surprised you that he had befriended you that day when you had knocked on the wrong apartment door.

You nodded courtly and smiled with a giggle, as if Mats had just told you something funny. "I appreciate what you're doing here, it's really a massive favor. Can I have your phone, I'll add my number and maybe someday I can make this up?"

Mats chuckled, yet again, and hurriedly fished his phone out of his pocket so you could type in your number. You saved yourself as "desperate bar-lady" and also added a smiley in the form of a beer glass at the end of it. You smiled and handed Mats his phone back, looking up to meet his eyes. "Thank you." He said politely, but your gaze was elsewhere as you spotted David coming over with a frown all over his face.

"Hey, I'm David, Y/N's best friend. Who are you?" David took place right beside you and put an arm around you protectively, wanting the stranger across from you to leave.

"I'm Mats, Y/N's mate from around here." Mats shook David's hand and noticed the straight line which was David's lips, he was not happy about this. "Is everything okay pal? You look kind of distracted."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, whatever. Y/N, I think we should leave, it's getting late." David turned to you and met your eyes. He really did look distracted and annoyed, the latter being with Mats obviously.

"Okay." You got up from your stool and took David's hand which he had offered for you. Just as you were about to leave you mouthed a thank you to Mats, your savior, to which he only replied by raising his still not empty beer can in a polite manner.

David and you exited the bar and walked out towards the main road so you could call for a cab so it could give the two of you a ride home to your respective apartments. "Who was that?" He asked with a hint of annoyance, jealousy with other words, in his voice as the two of you stood in the light of a streetlamp.

"Mats. He did say his name, you know." You kept your dismissive tone as you didn't think the game you were playing had ended yet.

"I know, I just- I didn't like seeing you with him." He tugged at his hair and looked down at the ground, seeking for something to say in the asphalt.

"Now you know how I feel when you get comfy with girls all the time, David. It's hard, hard knowing that you're with them and not with me." You managed to say, but it almost came out in a whisper.

"I want to be with you." He concluded and looked straight into your orbs, smiling as your face lit up slowly and a blush spread across your whole face. "I love it when you're embarrassed, it suits you." He chuckled at you and you wanted to hide because of his smile and compliment. "May I kiss you?"

"Thought you'd never ask."

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