Repeat customer // Robert Lewandowski

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starkasm , sorry that is took me so long to get this up! Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! And guys, don't forget to check out my Marco fanfic "Write On Me" 😊.


"Hey, Y/N, I'm leaving now. See you tomorrow!" Heidi, your co-worker waved towards at where you were sat behind the check out disk in the library you worked at.


You waved her off with a smile and then returned to flipping the pages in a random magazine you had bought the other day.

The library in Munich you worked at was definitely not one of the most crowded ones, still, you had your loyal people that came to lend books from time to time. One of them was a certain Robert Lewandowski, a striker playing for the city's pride; Bayern München. However, Robert came more than 'from time to time', usually he came twice a week, sometimes just to see you and sometimes to actually use the library. The two of you could easily consider each other friends by now, even though the quite often occurring flirting between the both of you suggested more.

"Well if it isn't my favorite girl," Robert said as he walked up to the disk you were sat behind. "How are you today?"

You giggled and pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. "Perfect, how about you? Did you just finish training?"

Robert looked a bit tired and his hair seemed to be wet so he had probably just come out of the changing rooms. He looked very attractive, as usual – you weren't going to lie.

"Yeah, just half an hour ago. I raced here to come see you," he rested his arm on the counter and leant his body weight on it. He also added a small wink as he said the flirtatious comment to you.

"I bet you did," you giggled as a small blush was making its way upon your cheeks.

He grinned slightly and then stood straight up and ran his hand through his still not dry hair. "Well, I guess I've got to look for a new book, any recommendations?"

"Well, since you finished How to kill a mockingbird on your own last week, I think there are some pretty good books in the kid's section for you," the cheeky grin playing on your lips wasn't missed by Robert as he rolled his eyes jokingly at your reply. "I'm kidding, of course, now follow me."

You jumped down from the high chair you were sat on and walked around the reception and out to where Robert was standing. "What do you want to read this week?" Robert walked behind you as you led him towards the wing where all the books for adults were stored, everything from crime to romance was able to be found in the huge room.

"I was thinking something about a guy, maybe a footballer, who constantly visits a library because he fancies the girl who works there..."

"That's not very original, Robert, has Thomas told you about his secret visits here?" You giggled and Robert jogged up to you, throwing his arm around you.

"Hey, wipe that cheeky smirk off of your face. You know it's our thing for me to come visit you here, not yours and Thomas' thing," he said and you looked up at him with a raised eyebrow and a wide smile, mumbling a silent approval of his saying.

Robert chuckled to himself as you quickly dropped the subject and led him to the romance section. "There's this book called Amy and Roger's epic detour, I think you'd like it. It's very...cute, much like you to be honest."

Robert felt a slight blush creep onto his cheeks as you so obviously were flirting with him. He didn't know what had flown into you this day, usually he was the one offering all the flirtatious remarks and discreet winks in your direction, and not the other way around. Though he wasn't going to say he didn't like it, because he surely did.

"You may think it's boring at first, but once you get to know the book it's really great – I promise," you said with a smile and he nodded, taking the book out of your grasp as you found it in one of the shelves.

"I'll take it, because then I can come back here and tell you about the book, especially since it's so cute," he smirked and leant against one of the shelves while gazing at you. "So when are you going to agree to go on a date with me?"

You raised your eyebrows as a smile tugged at the end of your lips. "When you ask me if I want to join you for one," you said.

"Fair point," he chuckled and took a step closer to you. The distance between the two of you were probably just under twenty five centimeters, and it intimidated you since Robert was so good looking, and charming too for that matter. "Join me for dinner after you quit today, yeah?"

You blushed as you felt his hot breath on your cheeks and then looked down to the ground, not wanting him to see.

"Yeah, of course," you then replied with a smile. Robert let out a small sigh of relief and used his fingers to lift your head up so he could peck your cheek.

"Great! Now come with me to the check out, I still need to loan this book."

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