Taken // Manuel Neuer

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CrankyNewtmas here is your Manuel one shot, hope you love it!
Also look at the pic of Manuel above, like omfg I can't handle him!!! 😍 (also there are a few swears here and there, just a quick warning, hehe.)


"She's gone? What the fuck is gone supposed to mean?!"

Manuel's heart was beating well over a hundred miles per hour as the deep voice on the other side of the phone chuckled darkly.

"Gone as in away, Mr. Neuer, gone as in with us and not with you."

The speaker didn't continue further and it made Manuel nervous. In the movies all the kidnappers would ask for ransoms, why hadn't this guy done that? He sped up slightly since he was on his way to the police station and the roads were oddly enough not full of traffic.

"What is it that you want from her—from me?" Manuel said, keeping his harsh tone.

"I'll have to call you back with that. Expect us to call in... Thirty minutes."

With that the call ended.


The drive that would usually take fifteen minutes only took Manuel eight this day. It would have taken less but he didn't want to be the cause of any accidents, so he hadn't driven like a complete maniac.

At the moment Manuel was seated in an uncomfortable chair in the police station. His head was bowed down, eyes staring at the phone he cradled in his hands in a tight grip.

"Remember to stay on the line for at least twenty seconds, otherwise there is no chance to trace the call and find Y/N, alright?"

Manuel was about to reply but was cut short by his phone buzzing in his hands. His heart rate speeding up was basically inevitable, yet it surprised him.


The voice on the other side didn't answer to Manuel's greeting right away but rather after a few seconds. "Listen, Neuer, a million euros is what we want and in return we won't do anything in particular to your cheeky girl here, alright?"

Twenty seconds was how long Manuel had to keep the conversation going on for, but with this guy threatening you Manuel knew it would definitely prove to be a challenge. It had probably only passed six this far.

"Don't you touch her!"

"Eh-eh-eh, careful, I'm the one in charge here, Neuer," the man paused a second before he spoke again. "A million euros and you can have her back. Meet us tonight by your girl's favorite restaurant, eight o'clock, sharp. A minute late and we'll blow her brains out. And Neuer, come alone."

Manuel panicked by all questions that were appearing in his mind, and more importantly, the men were going to kill you, and he didn't even know if the twenty seconds had passed yet.

"Wait!" Manuel exclaimed clumsily as he rubbed his sweaty palm nervously against his trousers. "A million in cash?"

As the man spoke next a smirk was audible in his voice. "A solid million in whatever form you want—cash, check... Anything to save your beloved little thing here, right? Isn't that right, Y/N?"

Manuel was about to shout your name as loud as he could into the phone but was only met with a silent beeping noise, indicating the man had hung up on him.

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