Addition // Mesut Özil (Part one)

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For manuxxel and hazardarmy10 , Yuen and Laura, who wanted a one shot with lil' Mesut. Feedback always appreciated!


To say you were nervous was an understatement, at this point you were frightened. Frightened as in chewing on your lip and bouncing up and down with your legs. Mesut was at a morning training session with the whole German national team while you were still in the hotel room, now anxiously waiting for your boyfriend of five years to return from training.

Ever since you had flown out to France to support the team of Germany you had felt sick and nauseous, not constantly of course, but during most of the mornings when Mesut had already left for training. The first week you had thought it was the French food, seeing as your stomach wasn't used to it but even if you tried to eat what you would in Germany it didn't help. It was only an hour ago you went out to buy a pregnancy test and having it come back positive. You were pregnant and therefore scared since you and Mesut were not, under any circumstances, trying for a baby.

"Liebe, I'm back!" Mesut called from the hall of the hotel room. You jumped up from where you sat on the bed and hurried towards him, almost throwing yourself into his embrace. "You alright?" He pulled you close to him and kissed the top of your head while stroking your back in a soothing manner.

You melted into his embrace and enjoyed his gentle gestures towards you. "I'm okay." You said and buried put your face against his chest, listening to his heartbeat until you were ready to move out of his grasp. As you left the safety that was his embrace he moved a piece of hair that was blocking your sight behind your ear.

"You sure? You seem nervous." He put his training bag down on the ground and grabbed your hand, dragging you deeper into the hotel room and sat himself down on the bed, almost dragging you with him. You sat down in his lap with your body turned towards him, so your chests faced each other. "Did I do something?" He gazed into your eyes and rested his body weight on his two arms, making his triceps flex very visibly. Instead of meeting his eyes you decided to stare at his muscles, now realizing you're going to have to tell him. "Tell me." He begged and pouted with his lower lip, hoping to get you to talk.

You sighed as he used his right hand to move your head so you could meet his eyes. He looked worried that you wouldn't tell him what was obviously heaving on your mind. "You haven't done anything wrong, I promise." You were scared this baby would ruin what you and Mesut had since he was an extremely busy man, and you didn't think a baby would make him less busy exactly. Maybe it wasn't what you needed, maybe you just shouldn't tell him and go straight for an abortion... No, the guilt would definitely eat you alive.

The constant consequences of whatever your choice would be flew around in your head, not letting you rest. "Then what is it?" By now he looked like a lost puppy, pouting with his lips and eyes shining with worry. I should break the ice, and I should do it now, you thought. You couldn't handle anymore of puppy Mesut, it killed you when he looked so sad.

"I'm pregnant." You didn't break your eye contact, scared of missing whatever reaction he would offer. You didn't know how he would react, but for your sake you hoped he would be happy and all your worries would wash away.

"Pregnant? As in- we're going to have a baby?" He yelled excitedly and got up quickly, spinning around with you in the air. His reaction was definitely not like you had expected and you realized you had had absolutely nothing to be afraid of, still you had been doubting if he would be happy all morning. "This is the best news I've got this last hour!" He joked and made you giggle and hit his shoulder lightly.

"I can't believe I was scared to tell you." You concluded and he rolled his eyes and stopped spinning, putting you down on the floor and pressing his lips to yours, engulfing you in a deep kiss.

"Don't ever be afraid to tell me anything, okay?" He leaned his forehead against yours and spoke to you with his eyes closed. You nodded carefully and pecked his lips quickly, pulling away.

"How about your job? This baby is going to demand a lot of time, and if you're gone-"

"We'll manage, I promise." He grabbed both of your hands and interrupted you only to start dancing, making you laugh and swing your head back. "I'm going to be a father, I'm going to be a father..."

He danced with you to the beat of his own singing and swayed over the floor, earning laughters from you every time he took a turn. "I'm glad you're happy, Mes." You giggled and pecked his lips again.

"If it's a girl, we have got to name her Mesut, and if it's a boy it's got to be Mesut! Right?" He spoke excitedly and laughed as you giggled at his stupid suggestion. "Mein gott, we have to tell the others! They're all in Bastian's room!" Mesut didn't wait for you to either accept or deny his proposal, he only held your hand in a tighter grip and raced out of your shared room.

In less than a minute you had managed to move yourselves to Bastian's room, and almost broken inside. "Guess wha-at, I'm going to be a father!" Mesut sang out in a happy voice and held you closely beside him. He looked so astonishingly happy, and by the looks of his teammates they were too. All of them got up and gave the two of you warming hugs as well as dozens of congratulations and smiles.

"If it's a boy call it Manuel, if it's a girl call it Manuela!" Manuel ordered and grinned as he hugged the both of you at the same time. "Congratulations!"

"I'm going to stop you right there, Manuel." Thomas said and pushed the goalkeeper away from the two of you, throwing his arm around you and smiling seductively. "Since I'm your favorite on this team by a lot, obviously the baby is going to be called Thomas, whether it's a girl or a boy, am I right?"

You and Mesut giggled as you were looking at the German who was still leaning on you. "Thomas if it's a boy, Manuela if it's a girl." You laughed and everyone apart from Manuel and Thomas, who cheered, groaned jokingly.

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