Proposal // Sergio Ramos

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This picture of Sergio makes me feel all sorts of things 😍 anyway, this is for Anna, hope you enjoy this!


"Man, what if she says no?"

Sergio was sitting by the table he shared with you at the very luxury restaurant he had taken you to. You had excused yourself to go to the bathroom not too long ago, and as soon as you left the table your brother James had jogged over to his team-mate.

"She won't say no, Ramos, she loves you too much."

Sergio took a deep breath and nodded slowly, figuring James did have a relevant point.

"Have you given the ring to the waiter?" James asked and put his hand on Sergio's shoulder, giving it a friendly squeeze.

"Of course," said Sergio with a nervous smile.

James nodded and made a humming sound, approving of the situation. Originally he was seated a couple of tables away so you wouldn't be able to spot him, even if he did look a little shady sitting alone by a corner table.

You could think James was there just in case Sergio, the man proposing to his sister, needed to be executed, but no – James was there since Sergio had asked him to be there. The plan was for James to exit the restaurant a minute before Sergio and you did later in the evening to distract paparazzi, so he wasn't needed in the actual proposing part. Yet.

"Excuse me gentlemen," a man dressed in a fancy black suit reached the table and smiled nervously. "The waiter who was assigned to your table has been hindered and he cannot deliver the dessert."

"What about the ring?" Sergio asked worriedly.

"All the other waiters are busy waiting the other tables, we don't have anyone else to offer, I'm very sorry for this inconvenience."

Sergio's heart sped up. The waiter was hindered? What does that even mean? The proposing man put his head in his hands and sighed loudly – this is not how it was supposed to go.

"Can I do it? Serve the desserts?" James asked and gripped onto Sergio's shoulder gently, trying to calm him down.

"Of course, follow me," the man nodded and began walking away.

James followed him nervously and fixed his tie. When Sergio called a 'thank you' to his team-mate he only lifted his hand to recognize the gesture. He could not screw this up – he wouldn't screw this up.

Not even a minute later you came back from the bathroom, a wide smile dressing your lips. Sergio got up and pulled out your chair for you, causing your cheeks to heat up quickly.

"Thank you," you said.

Sergio smiled softly and sat back down, instantly starting a conversation with you in the wait for the desserts to be served. He was admittedly nervous since James would be the one serving the delicate desserts with the ring inside one of them.

"I'm so excited for dessert," you said with a beaming smile.

Sergio chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully, earning a giggle from you. He loved your enthusiasm about the little things.

"Here is the dessert," the waiter, James, said as he walked carefully towards your table. You had yet to spot him, but as he reached your table and put the plates down with the small pastries on top you raised your eyebrows in shock.

"James? What are you doing here?"

"I'm on paparazzi duty," he smiled proudly and almost cowered under your stare on him. "Sergio requested me here, I promise I wouldn't be here otherwise," he rambled on nervously and scratched the back of his neck. "I'll just leave you two to it, bye."

He quickly headed off in the direction of the kitchen where he had come from and then you turned to face your boyfriend.

"Why is my brother here?"

You weren't angry or annoyed at Sergio for inviting your brother, or whatever he had done, you just hadn't expected your baby brother to turn up on your date. All it had done was shock you, thereof your raised eyebrows and funny smile.

"He's here so he can distract the paparazzi later tonight," Sergio chuckled and bit his tongue, smiling at the understanding look upon your face. "Let's dig in, sì? Just be careful with your pastry."

Sergio winked and leant back in his chair, obviously not interested in eating his own dessert. Your eyes widened at his words and your heart sped up, by the look on his face he was up to something.

"Sergio... Is this what I think it is?"

He smiled with a chuckle and shook his head, curving his lips as if he was clueless. "You tell me, bonita."

Using your spoon you split the cake carefully in half. The heart sped up in your chest as the spoon stopped as it reached something in the middle of the cake. The excitement took over and you stopped caring about all the possible eyes that were on you, you used your fingers and dug up what was inside the small cake.

A ring.

"Sergio – oh my god."

You quickly put the ring down on the table and covered your mouth using your hands. Tears were rushing into your eyes quickly and looking at Sergio, who had gone down on one knee beside you, you couldn't keep the tears from falling.

"Y/N, when James introduced you to the team he had told me, as one of the only singles, to not dare talk to you about anything else than the weather. Now your brother is our number one supporter," he laughed as he held the ring he had wiped off in front of you. "I did ask James for permission before I went and bought the ring, with his help, and he is a hundred and twelve percent okay with us getting married. So, would you like to marry me and spend the rest of your life with me?"

The tears were literally competing to reach the floor first. You reached your hand out towards the man on his knees, and he gladly put the ring on your finger.


As you hugged each other tightly and kissed each other passionately James was stood in the background, cheering you on discreetly.

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