Forgotten // David Luiz

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This is for marceloaf ! Hope you like it just as much as I like your username! 🙋🏼 and aww man, I love David so much!


"I'm so stupid – I can't believe I'm sad over this, it's just a simple mistake after all," you sighed loudly as you were sat beside Thiago, leaning your head on his shoulder.

"No, David's an idiot. It's okay to be sad," he said and rubbed your back with his hand.

It was around six in the evening and you and Thiago were sitting in his living room. You had escaped from your own apartment, which you shared with David, after you realized he had forgotten today was your birthday. You hadn't even got a simple "happy birthday".

You had been waiting for a congratulation the whole day – but it never came, so when David announced he was leaving for some PSG meeting with his coach for the rest of the night you were very hurt.

"I just- we've been together for almost four years and he forgets my birthday. I even got a happy birthday from Zlatan, and I'm pretty sure Zlatan doesn't do happy birthdays," you joked but felt your eyes slowly fill with tears.

"Não, don't cry Y/N, please," Thiago put his arm around you shoulders and then continued talking. "Come on, I'll drive you home and we can watch a movie together while David's still away, sounds good?"

Thiago's suggestion made you smile and nod gently, appreciating his attempts at making your special day better.

The drive back to your apartment consisted mostly of a discussion regarding which movie you would watch but you also made a quick stop by the store so you could buy a bag of crisps for the film. Only when you and Thiago were walking up the stairs to reach your apartment you settled for watching a comedy with Robin Williams in it, as requested by you.

"Robin Williams it is then," Thiago said as you reached the door to the apartment. "Hey, isn't he the one who did that movie where he dressed up as an old lady?"

"Yeah, he is," you giggled at Thiago's furrowed eyebrows and then opened the door so the two of you could step inside and finally watch the movie. "And for the record T, that was an amazing movie," you added with a smile as he shut the door after you.

"I bet," he said with a loop sided smile and hung up his coat. "By the way, I have a present for you," he smiled mischievously and grabbed your free hand, dragging you towards the living room.

"Close your eyes," he murmured.

Reluctantly you agreed and followed his command, shutting both of your eyes.

"Don't use this advantage to kill me or something since I can't see," you joked and Thiago chuckled.

"I would never."

The next time someone spoke up you were in the living room, at least you thought you were in the living room. Thiago slowly let go of your hand and you heard him step away from you but you also caught wind of some shuffling sounds in front of you.

"Open your eyes, Y/N," someone said, and you instantly recognized it as David.

Your eyes opened instantly and the first thing you saw was David with his curls standing only a couple of inches away from you.

"Surprise," he smiled. "Happy birthday, amor."

Behind David was Thiago, Lucas and several other of your closest friends along with their girlfriends who you usually talked to during games and such.

"Happy birthday!" They all yelled in unison with big smiles plastered on their faces.

"Was this all planned?"

You were in shock, but a big smile was slowly but surely making its way to your lips.

David stepped forward to you and embraced you in a hug and then lifted you up from the floor, giving you a deep genuine kiss.

"Of course it was planned, what kind of boyfriend do you take me for? I wouldn't even dream of forgetting your birthday," his smile was as wide as ever as he put you down on the floor again, setting his arm around your waist protectively.

The whole celebration party lasted for around two hours. Lucas and David had baked a cake the best they could, and when everyone tasted it they couldn't do less than enjoy it. It was delicious.

When all guests had gone home to their own places, even Thiago who had been the last to leave, you and David sat down on the couch. Your head was laid on his chest while he had his arm resting on your back, letting his hand play with your hair softly.

"I love you so much, David," you said and smiled, even though he couldn't see it.

"I love you too."

He pressed a kiss to your head before he gently lifted your head away from him, urging you to sit up by yourself. You frowned slightly but did what he clearly wanted you to do.

"I have something to ask you," he began.

He reached for something in his back pocket, gazing into your eyes while doing so. Your heart started beating faster by the second. Oh my god, you thought.

"It's been almost four years, and I know I'm like really late-" he interrupted himself by pausing as he pulled out a black, square-shaped box from his jeans pocket. As he opened it there was a magnificent silver ring inside. "Even if I'm late and even if I made you believe I forgot your special day, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

The little shy smile on his lips suited him well, you couldn't deny it. Your heart was still speeding and the tears rushed to your eyes in sixty miles per hour, instantly slipping out.

"Yes! Oh my god, a million times yes David!"

You squealed your reply loudly and started crying, happy tears of course. He let out the breath he had held in and quickly slid the ring onto your finger. He was shaking slightly which was hard to believe for you since you definitely wouldn't say no to marrying him.

David rose from the sofa and pulled you up quickly, engulfing you in a hug while giving you the most passionate kiss you had shared in a long time.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," he mumbled against your lips.

And you – you just couldn't stop smiling.

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