Dinner // David Alaba

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StellaHarding , here is some jealous David for you! Hope you like it! (Guys please go read my book 'Write On Me' and tell me what you think! Ily ❤️)


"Liebe, the dinner starts at 19.00, it's 18.50 – hurry up!" David sounded whiny as he tried to get you to hurry up from where he stood down in the hall of your apartment.

You rolled your eyes and took one last look at yourself in the mirror and straightened out your dress before walking down the stairs and reaching David. "Then you better drive fast on the way there, no?" You smirked towards him as he leaned in to give you a quick peck on your lips.

"Whatever." He eyed you up and down with a smile. "You look beautiful."

"You don't look too bad yourself."

At 18.58 you entered the restaurant and found almost all of David's teammates and their dates sitting around the tables. There were only a couple of free spots left so you and David headed to the closest seats to check if that was where you were supposed to sit.

"Ah, Y/N, you're beside me!" Philipp cheered as he noticed you and David standing beside him. "Hallo David." He smiled politely and then stood up to pull out the chair for you, probably earning a sour look from David, but he didn't care, he had manners that he valued.

"Danke Philipp." You said and turned to peck David's lips again before you sat down. David put his hand on your shoulder and gave it a squeeze before he wandered off to find his own seat.

Philipp was one of your best friends, both on the team and off the team, so to say you were happy was an understatement. Apart from him, who was on your right, Thiago sat across from you and to your left was Mario. There were five seats by the table so one was still vacant. "Who's beside you?" You asked Thiago curiously.

"Well, as of right now there's no one," he joked and you giggled at his cheeky reply. "Lisa is going to sit here but Thomas told me she had something with work so she will be here ten past seven instead. As you can see Thomas is already here." He pointed over to the table where Thomas was seated and you turned your head that way. By Thomas' table David, Franck, Xabi's wife and Manuel's girlfriend were seated, chatting away happily.

"You look very good tonight." Mario said from beside you and you smiled, a slight blush appearing on your cheek from the compliment. It didn't matter who it was from, you always blushed when receiving compliments.

"Yeah, your dress compliments your eyes fantastically." Philipp chuckled and took a sip from his water. Thiago eyed your dress with a smile. "I agree with them."

You giggled and looked at the man to your right. "I didn't know you were such a fashion lion, Philipp! When did this happen?" Your question caused laughter to erupt around the table and you were pretty sure you had just turned up the volume in the room.

Philipp leant his arm on your chair while still laughing. "Pshh, I've always been a fashion lion, I cannot believe you haven't noticed." He grinned and winked at you to which you only laughed and threw your head back slightly.

"Y/N! Ahh, I've missed you!" Lisa's voice squealed from behind you so you turned around quickly in your seat and spotted her rushing over to you. "Oh my God, your dress is so beautiful!" Her squeal as you stood up made you blush and giggle slightly. As she reached you she embraced you in a big hug and squeezed you as if you hadn't seen each other in years, which you obviously had.

"Look at you, gosh, your dress is stunning!" You squealed and held your hands on her shoulders while admiring her golden dress that reached to her mid-thigh. You leaned in slightly and lowered your voice. "Wouldn't be surprised if Thomas would like to see that off later." You laughed after you told her that, seeing as she was blushing wildly. "You know it's true."

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