Sick days // Gerard Piqué

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I finally got to write something about Geri! Yay! Hope you like it Laura 😊. Also, sorry for not updating in a while, I've started school again since two weeks back and I already have loads of school work and stuff. I'll still post, but not as often. ❤️


"Hey, baby, wake up. Medicine's here," Gerard shook you awake carefully using his big hands. "I made you soup for lunch." He smiled as you stirred in your sleep from his soft talking.

"I want to sleep," you moaned and tried to turn around to hide from your boyfriend under the covers.

"You need to eat since your body needs energy so it can fight the bacteria, right? That's what you always tell me," he defended himself with valid arguments which made you giggle.

"Yeah," you sighed and sat up and rubbed your eyes tiredly. You weren't wearing anything else than dotted panties and a thin T-shirt you had taken from Gerard's wardrobe years back and never returned, the sight made him smile.

He had put a tray with a bowl of hot soup and a glass of water, along with the medicine, on the table beside your bed, so as you placed yourself in a comfortable position he lifted the tray onto your lap and let it balance itself there.

"It's not poisoned, is it?"

"Of course it is, it's full of rat poison," he said sarcastically with a quick eye-roll. "No, it's not."

You giggled slightly but started coughing a second later because of the strain your laughing and talking had put on your throat. Gerard smiled weakly and walked around to the other side of the bed and sat on it beside you.

"Finish the soup and we'll watch whichever movies you want for the rest of the day."

Gerard's words made you light up instantly and you quickly started with the soup, that actually wasn't so bad. It was a very fresh chicken soup with a lot of herbs in it. It was delicious and soothing for your throat. "Did you really make this, or did you have Marc come over and help you?"

He smiled cheekily but then rolled his eyes at your accusation. "I made it myself actually. Anto made it once and I liked it so I got the recipe from her."

You raised your eyebrows proudly. "It's delicious, thank you."


You raised your eyebrow, "Gerard, you're Spanish, not Italian."

He chuckled and then ignored your comment as he got off the bed and turned on the small television you had inside the bedroom. Without even bothering to ask you which movie you wanted to watch, he not only broke his promise of letting you choose the movies but he also had the nerve to insert a disc into the DVD-player and then to dive into the bed again. He smiled and you knew you didn't have it in your heart to be annoyed with him. He quickly made sure you had finished your soup before grabbing the tray and putting it away on the table where he had originally taken it from.

"Geri, are you serious?"

The soundtrack of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory started playing in the background.

"We always watch this movie when you're sick, let's not break that tradition!"

You almost face palmed but refrained from doing so as a giggle escaped your lips. "We've watched it twice!"

"Sí, tradition!"

"It's really not, tall man, but whatever, let's watch the movie."

You were about to make yourself comfortable when Gerard decided that it would be a good idea to pull his sick girlfriend, you, closer to him and press his lips against yours.

You quickly pulled away from him and noted his small grin. "Hey, stop! You'll get sick!"

"Meh, it's worth it, bonita."

You huffed quietly with a smile and then made yourself comfortable by resting your head on his chest and letting him pull you closer to him with his arm around your back.

About forty minutes into the movie Gerard noted that your breaths had become notably slower and steadier, therefore he drew the conclusion that you had fallen asleep. He reached for the remote and turned the TV off as quietly as possible and then carefully lifted you off of him so you could lie more comfortably on the bed.


Shoot, he thought.

"Shit, sorry for waking you, bonita."

You smiled slightly and felt the bed sinking down beside you. Opening your eyes you saw your giant of a boyfriend lying closely beside you with a worried gaze.

"Don't worry, I never mind seeing your pretty face," you winked slightly and he chuckled, instantly leaning down and giving you a soft kiss, to which you pulled away only after a couple of seconds. "Geri, you'll get sick," you complained and pouted playfully at him.

"I told you, it's worth it," he smiled widely as he pushed a strand of hair behind your ear.

Then he coughed.

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