The woman I love // Thomas Müller

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Another for my pretty friend Anna! I hope you like it! 😊 and aw, Thomas is like the ultimate bae isn't he? *happy sigh*


Normally you wouldn't run longer than two meters – unless you were exercising or under threat by your best friend Thomas – now you had covered the distance between your apartment and one of the hospitals in Munich.

Thomas Müller, your footballer best friend whom you had had feelings for since years back, had been knocked unconscious during training by a knee to his head as Philipp Lahm had successfully tackled him and accidentally smashed into Thomas' head as Thomas fell to the ground.

"Hey Y/N, Thomas is hurt and uh-" Manuel paused slightly as someone said something in the background. "He's on his way to the hospital right now because he went unconscious and didn't wake up and we called an ambulance and-"

"Manuel calm down, where is he going?"

"The hospital two kilometers from your apartment."

When Manuel had called your phone earlier you had gladly picked it up, happy someone wanted to talk to you while you were just alone in your apartment during lunch break. Your greeting had been very happy and a smile was on your face, but it all disappeared as he told you Thomas had been hurt.

Your heart had sped up and you acted on impulses since you were in a state of minor shock. When you hung up the call you threw your phone on the couch and rushed for the door, grabbing a coat and taking on your shoes before heading out your door, totally forgetting about locking the door.

The door to the hospital lobby wasn't heavy but since you had just run two kilometers without stopping you felt like it weighed a ton. You were panting loudly and if your mind wasn't so busied with thoughts about Thomas' current state you would have wished to be in his physical form.

You jogged up to the receptionist and leant on the wooden counter so you could catch your breath. The receptionist seemed to be in your age. She was very pretty, with blonde hair and green eyes and freckles on her cheeks.

"Thomas Müller?"

You managed to squeak out between deep inhales. You must have looked incredibly stupid but you didn't care, all that mattered was if Thomas was okay or not.

"And who are you?" She asked clicking on the computer she had in front of her.

"I'm his best friend," you said with a frown.

"ID please?"

You frowned and started to tap your foot against the floor impatiently as you had to hand her your driver's license. Yes, you had a license, but your car was parked at your work since you had been home for lunch break momentarily.

She inspected the picture of you and glanced up at your face, nodding after a minute and saying; "he's in room two hundred and one."

Without hesitation you hastily grabbed your license and headed deeper into the hospital, frantically looking for the room Thomas was in.


You recognized the voice as Manuel's and you quickly spotted him by a door further down the corridor. A sigh of relief escaped you – he wasn't crying or panicking or punching the wall so Thomas must have been okay. You jogged up to him quickly and he pulled you into a quick hug.

"How's Thomas? Is he in here? Can I see him?"

Manuel nodded to all your questions and then opened the door into the room beside him.

"Ask him yourself," he added with a wink and let you inside.

You didn't hear Manuel closing the door behind you, you were far too distracted by Thomas who was lying in the white hospital bed. He looked over to you and his wide smile appeared which soothed you incredibly much.

"Thomas," you squeaked out his name and almost jumped to him, engulfing him in a big hug. "I was so worried! Oh my gosh, how are you?"

You pulled away and looked him over quickly, searching for any visible injuries. While he looked perfectly fine he had a slight bruise by his right temple but at least he didn't have any tubes anywhere.

"I'm fine – it ended up being just a concussion," he smiled and held your hand tightly. "I'm sorry if I worried you."

You almost laughed at what his apology; "If you worried me? Thomas I was scared to death," you said and embraced him in another hug, feeling tears gather in your eyes quickly, the first ones racing down your cheeks within seconds. "I was so scared I was going to lose you, I didn't know how bad it was."

You exhaled deeply as he sat up slightly and pushed you away from him a bit.

"Don't cry, please, Y/N you know I'd never leave you," he used his hands to wipe your tears and then spoke up again; "I wouldn't leave the woman I love alone – I would never," he said and looked deeply into your eyes.

Your heart stopped in your chest and the tears stopped coming. He loved you?


"It's okay if you don't love me back, I just- I just needed you to know," his smile was still present on his lips but the sparkle in his eyes disappeared.

Not having Thomas by your side ever again scared you more than death itself, so you did the reasonable thing in a situation like this; you grabbed both of his cheeks and pulled him close enough for you to press your lips against his in a passionate kiss.

"I love you too."

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