Comforting // Sergio Agüero

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Okay, so I tried not to be 100% cliché and have Sergio walk in on her crying in bed with the laptop in front of her... 😅 _CTE_Rayan_CTE_ hope you like it!


Watching Sergio at training wasn't how you usually spent your Saturday's; but this one was an exception. Your fiancé had asked you to come along with him for two reasons; one being that he loved you and the second being that you had seemed down the whole previous day. He had asked you about it but you had only waved him off and told him it wasn't anything important.

And it wasn't, not that important at least. His trainings and his career was a higher priority than your problems so you tried your best not to tell him. It wasn't that bad after all.

Then again, having thousands of people informing you of how you don't deserve your fiancé every day isn't exactly fun, but for Sergio you'd handle it.

Receiving hate was a regular thing for you but these last days the hate had seemed to become more and more. It wasn't just "you don't deserve Sergio" anymore, it was everything from "that dress makes you look fat" to "get back to the kitchen" and "leave Sergio alone". It had shocked you at first since you weren't used to it; but after a day or two you tried to ignore it but it was difficult. Therefore you had been a little more distant from Sergio in attempt to ignore the hate.


Awoken from your thoughts you looked in front of you and saw your fiancé only a couple of meters away from you. A frown rested upon his face and you got up and walked down to him from the stands where you sat.

"Are you okay?" He asked and pressed his lips to your forehead quickly as you reached him.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," you said and tried your best to look convincing, but he certainly didn't look very convinced.

"What's bothering you? You know you can tell me," he said and put his hands on your cheeks, stroking them carefully. You were about to speak up as a blush crept onto your cheeks but was cut off by someone yelling for Sergio to get back to training.

"Ugh, I got to go, I'll see you soon." He smiled and kissed your lips quickly before jogging off again.

You couldn't help but smile as he headed back to training and you returned to your seat in the stands. You knew you were lucky, too lucky if you were to ask some of his fans.

From your seat you could see the whole pitch that the team was currently on. In one end the goalies were practicing saves and their jumping while the rest of the team were doing some passing and dodging exercises in the other end.

Sergio fell over once as another player tackled him to the ground. At first you felt yourself get worried but when he got up and scowled whoever had tackled him you only giggled.

A small noise from your phone distracted you from the training. It was a notification from Twitter, and you didn't know whether to open it or not. Thinking that it might be one of your friends you opened the app but were instead met with a tweet saying: "Y/N is such a down grade like I knew Sergio's taste was bad, but this bad? Nah mate".

Your breath hitched in your throat and tears started clouding your vision as you read the tweet quietly for yourself. Was a day without constant hateful tweets too much to ask for? Your gaze fell back on Sergio who seemed to give all he had on the middle of the pitch while you sat in the stands, sulking.

Tears started streaming down your face uncontrollably as a sob shook your body. You weren't enough for Sergio, you would never be, especially not when people constantly reminded you of it. "Stop crying, you're proving them right," you muttered in an attempt to console yourself.

Another notification on your phone popped up, this time a new text message. "Whore" was all it said. You bit your lip as your whole body shook with another sob. Not once did you understand what you had done to deserve all this. You weren't perfect, no one was, but Sergio had told you he was happy with you, that he loved you, he even asked you to marry him for God's sake, so why was everyone hating on you? You hadn't done anything wrong.

You put your phone on silence and shoved it down into your pocket, quickly getting down from the stands and headed out of the training grounds to the cars. Using your jacket as a shield you protected your flushed face from eventual paparazzi cameras. You wanted out of this place, you really just wanted to head to bed and stay there until everyone accepted you. After unlocking the car you swung the door open and jumped inside, using your jacket as a shield again, just in case. You sat down in the driver's seat and cried just to get your feelings off of your chest.

"Honey? Baby, what's going on?" Sergio's voice erupted in the car. Somehow your sobs had prevented you from hearing him jumping into the passenger seat. "Please tell me." He pulled the jacket away from you and leant over the instruments between you, not caring that it was uncomfortable. He put his right arm over your shoulder and used his other to wipe your cheeks. "Please baby, I need to know why you're sad."

You inhaled air irregularly and let Sergio pull you closer to him. "Everyone, h-hates me!" It shocked you that he could make out what you had said, but due to the frown appearing on his face he had clearly heard your words.

"What, who are you talking about? Everyone loves you!" He reassured you and peppered your cheek with tiny kisses. "Please stop crying honey, no one hates you. I love you."

His words calmed you down and your sobs became less frequent. "There we go..." He said with a smile as he turned your face towards his. "There's my beautiful fiancé!" You smiled shyly and rested your head against his shoulder.

"Is it the fans?" He spoke suddenly and pressed a light kiss to your hair. You nodded and he sighed loudly. "Don't listen to them, they're wrong. They compare me to Leo and tell me I'm better sometimes. Like, it doesn't get more wrong than that." He joked and made you giggle. "90 percent of what they spit out are lies, okay? I love you, the guys love you, everyone we know love you. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise, okay?"

You looked into Sergio's brown eyes and were instantly reminded of why you loved him.

"Thank you."

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