Semi finals // Jérôme Boateng

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This felt a little different to write to be honest, tell me what you think! This is dedicated to bastischweinsteiger , Logan, since one of her 398 husbands is Jérôme. AND BECAUSE GERMANY IS THROUGH TO SEMIS, WOHOOO!!


Jérôme walked towards the penalty point with his head facing the ground and while clutching the ball close to his body. He was nervous, but he was far from alone carrying that feeling. The whole German squad was on the tip of their toes, except maybe Manuel who tried his best to stay calm for his country. As if Jérôme and the whole team wasn't enough, the whole arena fitted with both German and Italian fans were leant forward in their seats nervously or simply standing up so they could see what was going on down on the pitch more clearly.

The ball was on the penalty point, Jérôme backed a couple of steps and focused on the ball and then stared into the eyes of Gianluigi Buffon, the beast in the goal in front of him. The whistle blew, and from where you sat on the bleachers you could hear all the breaths being drawn in that exact second. You held the hand of your best friend to the right of you, praying silently that your boyfriend would net the ball. As the tension and nervousness heightened, you bit your lip since Jérôme began to near the ball, and before you even knew it, he had scored!

"Ja, Jérôme, ich liebe dich!" Even though you knew he definitely wouldn't hear you over the thousands and thousands of yelling Germans in the arena, you still yelled for him, incredibly proud of your boyfriend's netted ball.

The next few minutes were indescribable, all you knew was that an Italian missed his penalty and Jonas had scored his. Germany had flown through the quarterfinals and landed in the semi finals, a big step closer to the finale of the whole tournament.

"Oh my god! Oh my god, can you believe it?" You grabbed the shoulders of your best friend who was, just like the thousands of Germans in the stadium, yelling excitedly. "We got to get down there! We made it!" You felt like jumping a mile into the sky to calm down, you were ecstatic over the win. The first win for Germany against Italy in a major tournament and you had been there to witness it, and Jérôme had scored!

In five minutes you were almost down on the pitch and ready to sprint your way to Jérôme and interrupt their celebration so you could celebrate with him. Your friend was beside you nearly jumping out of her own skin, just like you, and probably longed to step out on that pitch so she could run straight to Mats Hummels. You weren't stupid, you knew she had a thing for him even though she had denied it, and from what you had found out from reliable sources (Jérôme and Mario) Mats apparently fancied the girl beside you too.

"Pitch is yours, ladies, however we'll keep a close eye on you, so don't play around. Touch anything that isn't Mr. Boateng or any of the other German players and you're out, are we clear?" The guard instructed the two of you and hung a plastic pass around each of your necks. The words temporary access were the only ones you could make out on the card, and frankly you didn't care, you had seen those access cards a billion times previously anyway.

When the guard had looked over the two of you one last time to see that you didn't carry any knives or anything else that could be used as a weapon, he let you out to the pitch. Usually the security wasn't so heavy, but this was a big tournament and due to the events in the world, heavy security was for the best.

You ran past the bench where the German substitutes and staff had been sitting during the game and headed towards the corner where the celebrating players were, spotting Jérôme immediately in the crowd of white shirts and tall men. "Jérôme!" You called and jumped up on his back, obviously taking him by surprise since he stumbled a bit. "Congratulations, oh I love you so much! And you scored! Oh my god, baby, you scored! Past Buffon!" You announced excitedly and didn't stop talking while he somehow managed to move you from his back to standing in front on him so he could kiss you. The kiss was deep and filled with relief and gratitude, and as you deepened the kiss by throwing your arms around his neck the screams of the fans disappeared.

"Hey, Jérôme, get a room, will you?" Bastian Schweinsteiger woke you up from your trance and chuckled as he stood beside some of the other Germans to celebrate their win. You blushed wildly and pulled away from the smirking man in front of you, smiling at Bastian.

"I'd prefer staying here, where you are, mister." You winked flirtatiously towards Bastian and he laughed, turning his full attention back towards the celebration. "Now, how does it feel to have scored two goals for Germany in under a month?" You kept your arms around Jérôme's neck and looked deeply into his eyes, waiting for him to answer your question.

He smiled and pulled you closer to him, kissing the top of your head. "Almost like meeting you." The smile on his face was unmissable and it warmed your heart that he thought so highly of your meeting. "It's truly fantastic."

"I'm so proud of you, so proud." You smiled and were almost close to tears, realizing what an impact your boyfriend was having on the German football. You felt like his mother for saying that but you guessed that's what love did to you.

"I'm proud of me too." He winked and chuckled while giving you another deep kiss. "Thank you for coming here, I love you." He stroked your cheek and moved a strand of hair behind your ear before looking at something behind you, suddenly breaking out in a smirk. You turned around so you could see what was happening, and a second later you were smirking too.

If it wasn't the sneaky bitch you called your best friend and Mats Hummels making out in the middle of all the crazy Germans. "I knew it! I totally ship them now- aw they're so cute!" You held onto your boyfriend as you were looking at your best friend, but soon turned around so you could give your man another celebration kiss. "I love you too."

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