Number five // Lionel Messi

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I don't know the exact words that were said during the Ballon d'Or gala so I'm just going to go ahead and improvise for the sake of this one shot, however I did google a bit so I roughly know what he said. Hope you like it Laura! I love the beginning but the ending... "Meh" is the word I'd use. #goals


"The winner of the Ballon d'Or 2016 is..." The intentional pause the speaker made caused Lionel to tense even more beside you. His grip on your hand tightened and his legs started bouncing faster. He was beyond nervous. "Lionel Messi!" His legs stopped their bouncing rhythm and his grip on you loosened as loud cheers erupted in the room.

Your heart skipped a beat as your face broke out in a massive grin. "Oh my god, you won!" You yelled over the cheers as you and Lionel both stood up with him pulling you into a quick kiss as he held his hands on your cheeks. "I love you." He said and didn't give you the time to return his words as he walked onto the stage in a hurried pace. The wide grin on your lips and the glimpse in your eyes didn't go away as he accepted the huge award and started speaking into the microphone on stage.

"It's incredible, this is my fifth. It's much more than anything I've dreamed of as a kid." The smile playing on the speaking footballer's lips was undeniably the brightest in the room, other than maybe yours.

"I want to thank everyone who's voted for me and I want to thank all of my team-mates. I also want to thank football in general because of what it has given me, both good and bad things. And lastly, I want to thank my beautiful wife." He looked straight at you with his brown orbs which made you weak in your knees. "That's all." He chuckled into the microphone with that innocent smile still dressing his lips. As he began to walk down the stage and towards you again you could feel the pride reaching its peak.

"Oh you were so good, Leo! I'm so proud of you amor, congratulations!" You made sure he held his award in a tight grip before you almost attacked him with a deep kiss. "Ah, you just won!" You didn't even try to conceal your excitement as the two of you sat down again, ready to take it all in.

A couple of hours later it was safe to say the two of you were exhausted. Lionel had received what felt like a million congratulations – around nine hundred thousand of them being from you of course – and it had drained all energy from you. The mingling around, talking to people, smiling for media, doing short interviews... The bed sure seemed like a good idea for the both of you.

However, that wasn't what was going to happen, at least not using the bed for its original use. His team-mates had been teasing you and your husband all night about all the "congratulating" the two of you would be doing later that night. The playful smirks from a certain Dani Alves were hard to miss and every time someone mentioned "congratulations" a little playful wink would be added in your direction.

Of course Dani had been right however. Proof was you and Lionel right now.

Lionel had you pinned to the bed, holding your arms over your head with one hand while letting his other trace your features. The ride home had been entertaining, to put it nicely. Since both you and Lionel had drunk champagne and possibly other alcoholic beverages you didn't drive but took a taxi instead. You were certain the driver had sped over the speed limit because he wanted the two of you to leave his taxi. And on the way up to your house you had to stop several times to catch your breaths from all the kissing. This award had the both of you going crazy.

"I love you so much, amor." Lionel said as you had spun the two of you around, you now being the one in control while sitting on top of his slim body.

"Te amo." You spoke and kissed his lips, forgetting all about reality and his award for the rest of the night.

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