Little Müller // David Alaba

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I don't know how I feel about this one shot to be honest, so all the more reason for you guys to tell me your thoughts! This is for Zquad_99 who requested thissss, hope you love it!


"Are you sure this is like, oh I don't know, allowed?" You emphasized your last word to your brother as the two of you were walking into the FC Bayern training grounds. The sarcasm dripping from your voice made your older brother Thomas roll his eyes and grip onto your hand so you wouldn't end up escaping from him.

"Do you actually think I would bring you here if I hadn't checked with coach first?" He opened the door leading inside for you and you blew his nice gesture off because of his question. "Come on, you know I wouldn't!" He smirked, sensing that you didn't believe him since you didn't answer. You only huffed as a reply and followed your brother, who was already in his training kit, through the halls and out to the actual training pitches.

"Your cleats stink." The grimace on your face caused Thomas to laugh which also led to you laughing, finding your comment rather stupid. He quickly took the shoes from you and sat down on a bench right by the fields, taking them on and tying the laces in what felt like thirty seconds.

"Well, I didn't ask you to smell them, did I?" He smirked and rose from his spot on the bench, draping his arm around your shoulder and successfully pulled you closer to his taller body.

It was rather chilly outside due to it being the start of November, but also because you were in Germany which wasn't exactly famous for its warm temperatures the same way Greece or Spain was. Anyway, the slight coldness quickly disappeared as Thomas pulled you closer to him. "Thanks." You mumbled and connected your arms around the footballer's torso.

"Hey, so I've been meaning to ask –David!" Thomas interrupted himself in the middle of his sentence and looked at someone behind you, someone called David. Believe it or not, but you had not been introduced to all of Thomas' teammates and the only two you actually knew on the team were Thomas and Bastian Schweinsteiger. "David, buddy!" Thomas removed his arm from your shoulders and squirmed out of your grip so he could give his teammate a hug.

"Hey man." The David-guy said and hugged the taller man quickly. He pulled away and they chatted for a few seconds before you coughed, seeing as you were only standing there acting the role of audience. The cough successfully got your brother's attention as he turned around.

"Right, David, this is my sister, Y/N this is David Alaba, a teammate of mine... If you haven't figured that out." You rolled your eyes at his last comment and earned a chuckle from him. While you tried hard to ignore your brother standing beside you, you looked at David and fired off a wide smile, quickly grabbing and shaking his hand.

"I'm Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you." He looked deeply into your eyes as you introduced yourself. They brown orbs that belonged to him were really beautiful and made your knees weaken slightly. He said something but you couldn't make anything other than "pleasure is" out from whatever he said.

Thomas smacked your head lightly which caused you to wake up and face reality again, which was David with a shy smile on his face and your brother smirking towards the two of you. "I'll just leave you two..." He stepped away from you and David and headed for the building of the facilities again. "David, hurt her and I will hire Bastian and Manuel to kill you! Have a good time!" Thomas threatened the boy in front of you as he escaped into the building and left you two alone on the grass pitch.

David looked at you nervously and smiled an innocent smile. Sensing the awkward silence that was slowly but surely building up you decided to apologize for your brother's threat. "Sorry for Thomas, he's an ass." You bit your lip and almost stared into David's brown eyes, still a bit too mesmerized by them.

He chuckled at your comment, looking towards the building where the other man had run off into. "Nah, he's a great guy. Makes practice fun." David complimented your brother with a small giggle. "I've never seen you around here before, what made you attend today?" David smiled quickly and waited for your reply.

"Well, a certain someone said he wanted to introduce me to the team, plus he thought it be fun if I watched him sweat." You giggled at what your brother had said. "The last part is a quote by the way."

"He wanted you to see him sweat?" David raised his eyebrows but a playful smile was suited on his lips.

"Apparently. He's just weird like that, to be honest."

"Hey, Thomas isn't weird." Bastian Schweinsteiger walked up to the two of you and chuckled. "Not a hundred percent at least." He threw his arm around your shoulders quickly and pecked your forehead, with you successfully catching a hint of jealousy in David's eyes. "I just wanted to say hi. Training starts in ten David, so be ready." Bastian winked as he jogged off and onto the pitch to do some individual warm-ups.

"So, do you want to grab a coffee or something later?" Your gaze returned to David as he spoke up and scratched the back of his neck. A smile spread across your lips when you noticed that his cheeks got even darker than they already were – he was blushing.

"Absolutely! Is four alright? Me and Thomas have some stuff we have to fix today, so I'm not really available until then." You didn't really hide your excitement and that certainly looked to be a relief to David who had looked very nervous.

"Four is great. How about you take my number and text me your address so I can pick you up?" The little charming smile upon his lips made you giggle, but you agreed with his suggestion and let him program his number in your phone without any problems. "I'll see you at four." He said while looking up into your eyes again.

"Yeah, see you." You received a quick peck on your cheek which made you blush wildly, and unfortunately for you the whole squad seemed to move out from the building at just that moment so all of them saw you blushing wildly. David joined the squad as they walked out on the fields, leaving you behind to watch Thomas sweat.

"Hey David, I saw that!" Someone yelled loudly, making David turn around from where he walked and widened his eyes as he noticed it was Thomas who had called for him. Thomas only winked towards him and walked past you to peck your forehead before he jogged off to train.

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