Mine // Sergio Ramos

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Another one shot requested by Laura, hope you like this a lot! Also please check out my new book "Write On Me", it's about Marco Reus. 🙈


"How about this one?" This was probably the two hundredth dress you had showed your boyfriend that day and to say he looked bored was an understatement. You giggled as he scanned the red dress that would most definitely hug your body tightly.

"It looks great. Why don't you try it on and then we can go for food? I'm starving." He sighed and you smiled, instantly walking the short distance to the fitting rooms. You were aware of how time consuming shopping for dresses were, but this was necessary. You were invited to your sister's friend's wedding and you couldn't come in a dress that wasn't absolutely stunning, that would be disrespectful. However you were not to steal the bride's spotlight either, but you knew as long as you didn't wear a wedding dress you were fine.

The dress was a shade of soft red with touches of wine red in it too. It was stunning but not breathtaking enough to steal the spotlight. "Sergio, you outside?" You asked as you pulled up the zipper on the back of the dress.

"No, I went home." He chuckled and you rolled your eyes while giggling at his sassy yet joking comment. You didn't know what kind of reply you expected, but it certainly wasn't the one you just received. "You ready to show me now?" You muttered an answer as you swiftly opened the door blocking Sergio's view and stepped out to him. You spun around in front of him so he could see the whole dress instead of just the front.

"Is it good? I think it's perfect." You smiled as you looked up too meet his eyes that were widened in appreciation.

"It looks amazing... Definitely this one, no doubt about it." He gave you a playful wink which made you blush wildly, still after three years feeling the flutter as he flirted with you. He walked up to you and kissed you on your lips quickly, only breaking apart so he could mumble something against your lips. "Change back into your clothes, yeah? I don't like the way those guys are looking at you." He said and pressed his lips to yours again before giving you a slight push towards the fitting room, adding a playful spank on your bum as you made your way over.

You squealed and turned around, blushing even more. "Ramos!" He chuckled and winked at you, adding a small playful smile. "Maybe they were looking at you, you are the footballer out of us two after all." You concluded  and leant against the wall while looking at Sergio. "If I were them I know I would be looking at you." You winked cheekily and shut the door as you saw a smirk spread across his lips.

You slid out of your dress and managed to get your black skinny jeans on before Sergio hastily opened the door and slipped inside. The squeal that left you made him laugh and you blush again. He made sure the door was closed before he checked you out in a not very discreet way.

"Hey, you don't just walk in here while I'm changing!" You hit his bicep with your hand and he grinned at you and leant down to your level so he could kiss you. You didn't expect it but nevertheless you threw your arms around his neck and let him lift you off the ground. He gently helped you put your legs around his torso as he backed you up against the wall. His mouth found its way down to your neck and his actions successfully left you to fight the urge to moan his name.

Suddenly he stopped and looked into your eyes again with a look full of hunger. "I can't stand when men watch you like they're undressing you in their mind... It drives me crazy." A smile spread across your lips as Sergio admitted his jealousy with an annoyed look on his face.

"I'm all yours, Ramos, and you're mine. Let's not worry, okay? I wouldn't leave you for anyone – except maybe Cristiano." You winked and laughed as he rolled his eyes jokingly.

"You want to go home?" He asked and the look in his eyes told you he had something in mind. Also, taking your recent actions into consideration, you were rather certain of what you two would be doing when you arrived at your home.

You pushed him away from the wall a bit so you could jump down onto the floor again, only to take on your shirt in an inhuman speed. "Let's pay for the dress and head for the bedroom." You winked with a smirk and pulled his head down to your level so you could kiss him once more.

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