Addition // Mesut Özil (Part two)

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Continuation of the last Mesut one shot. As you will notice, this is a slight AU, because Thomas and Mesut are teammates at their club, so Mesut plays for Bayern in this story, haha.


"Laila, nein, let it go!" Mesut quickly swept the toddler off the floor and rested her on his left hip, taking her hand and pulling out whatever she had put into her little mouth. "Toys are made for playing with, not for eating." He held the toy in front of his daughter and shook his head as he spoke, informing the little girl yet again not to eat her toys.

Laila reached for the toy Mesut held in his hand but he dismissed her wish by putting it down on a nearby table and leaving it there. She made a noise, the noise Mesut had grown to fear. "Nein, don't cry Laila, daddy is just protecting you, okay?" The tears forming in the toddlers eyes hurt the footballer to watch, so he did what he knew always cheered his daughter up, he peppered her face with kisses. Sure enough, it worked, and as Mesut was pressing kisses to her forehead she started giggling and squirming around in the grip her father had on her.

"I see someone is up early." You walked down the stairs and reached Mesut and your now giggling daughter in less than ten seconds, instantly stealing her away from your fiancé of a few months. It was only half past seven in the morning and Mesut had training at half past eight, so it was understandable why he was up, but normally your daughter wakes up at three in the morning, stays up an hour with either you or Mesut, and then sleeps until nine.

Mesut pressed his lips to yours and embraced you in a hug, making Laila sit on your hip between the two of you, fighting your swollen stomach for space. "Well, a certain lady wanted up extra early today, thankfully not at three." He looked down at Laila who smiled up at her father and made grabby hands towards him, she was such a daddy's girl.

"Aw, Laila I didn't even get to kiss you." You pouted jokingly at the little girl who looked at you with big eyes and confusion on her face since she didn't understand a word you were saying. You giggled and kissed her twice quickly on the cheek. "There." You smiled and handed her to her father again, who absolutely adored the little sunshine the two of you had been blessed enough to create.

"How are you getting to training today? I'm taking the car since I have to check up on Thomas." You said and put a hand on your swollen belly, heading to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Thomas offered to pick me up, saying he missed Laila and wanted to check up on little Thomas too." Mesut chuckled at what his teammate and one of his best friends had said and you just giggled, smiling while making a sandwich ready. "How is Thomas? The little one I mean." He grinned and put his hand on your belly, still holding your smiling daughter on his left hip.

"He's really good, definitely left footed." You joked and put your own hand above your fiancé's. "In three months we will have one more person to watch over." You smiled down at your belly and then looked up at Mesut. "Will you be able to handle that? You know you can't have both in your sight at all times." You giggled and winked jokingly at Mesut, joking about the way he didn't want to let Laila out of his sight so he could protect her from everything.

He rolled his eyes with a smile and pulled his hand back from your stomach so he could hold Laila in a better grip. "I am a million percent sure of that."

A knock on the door caused Mesut and you to turn your heads in the direction of the sound and him to instantly walk over to the door, leaving you in the kitchen to finish your breakfast.

"Guten Morgen, Mesut, und you too Laila!" Judging by the giggles coming Laila at the moment you guessed that Thomas had taken her so he could tickle her. As soon as you finished your sandwich you washed your hands and then walked towards your fiancé and his friend. "Guten Morgen, liebe!" Thomas said and pecked your cheek quickly while continuing to bounce Laila on his hip carefully. "How is Thomas?" He grinned proudly at having his teammates child named after him. When you and Mesut had told him he had been over the moon, instantly embracing the two of you in one of the biggest hugs you had ever received.

You put your left hand on your belly and grabbed onto Mesut with the other, leaning closer to him. "He's doing brilliant. He'll definitely become a great kicker, I know that much." You giggled and smiled up towards the man who had asked the question.

"I sure hope he will." Thomas giggled and then said; "Thomas Özil, sounds pretty catchy. I would've had to marry you, Mesut, for that name to exist. Lucky us you decided to name your son Thomas instead." Thomas joked making both you and Mesut laugh at his joke.

"Mesut and Thomas Özil. It does sound really good." You admitted and giggled at the fact that you were thinking of what their names would be if they were to get married.

"Well, you and I sound way better." Mesut fired off a cheeky comment, causing you to blush a light shade of red and Thomas to snicker beside you at both the comment and your reaction. "Anyway, liebe, it's time for me and Thomas to head to practice, I'll see you later tonight. Call me if anything happens, anything at all." You rolled your eyes and kissed Mesut quickly before stepping towards Thomas and took Laila from him.

"Be careful you two." You smiled as Mesut got his bag and opened the door, walking in front of Thomas out the door.

"Good luck with your ultrasound." Thomas said before he escaped your house and closed the door carefully after himself, jogging after Mesut towards his car so they could leave for their morning training session with their team.

Laila made grabby faces towards the door and pouted with her underlip while looking up at you with sad eyes. "Aw, Laila, daddy will be home later today, alright? You and me are going to the doctors together, won't that be fun?" You bounced your daughter up and down on your hip and pressed a great amount of kisses all over her face making her bright smile appear quickly. "Now that's the mood I love you in." You said with a smile and kissed your daughter's forehead once more before you returned deeper into the house, earning another giggle from your daughter.

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