New reality // Luke Shaw

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So PierceTheVietto asked me to write about her bae Luke, and wanted it to be in a zombie universe – so what can I do other than to oblige to your wishes, Lauren? HOPE YOU LOVE IT! ❤️


"Luke, if you don't stay quiet we'll be dealing with walkers soon, so shut up," you took a deep breath and whisper yelled to the only survivor apart from you in your group – Luke, your boyfriend.

He instantly stopped moaning about how hungry he was and focused on trying to sneak through the woods quietly.

It was around eight months into this thing, eight months of the virus or whatever it was that made people come back as zombies after they died.

"We'll need to find a safe place soon, it's been months since we stayed at a place longer than two days," Luke whispered.

You agreed with a silent humming sound and continued through the woods, a knife held tightly in your hand and a gun safely fastened in your belt.

"Hey, watch out!"

The sound of Luke's machete slicing through flesh made didn't even bother you anymore. Instead your eyes only darted to the now dead walker on the ground and Luke who pulled out the bloody machete from the walker's head.

"You okay?"

"Yeah," you replied to his question with a small nod. "I didn't even notice him."

After a few more minutes and a few more walkers killed by you and Luke, the two of you reached a highway. To the naked eye it looked totally deserted, but knowing how many walkers there was everywhere it was bound to be many of them here too.

"You go left and I'll go right to look for food and water. Be careful," Luke muttered and pressed a quick kiss to your forehead and then took off jogging with his machete gripped tightly in his hand.

In a red car about twenty meters to the left you found an empty backpack in the backseat and two packages of painkillers. Knowing the chance of anyone owning the meds you grabbed them and put them into the backpack safely.

For the next fifteen minutes you were roaming through the abandoned cars and looted them. You found filled water bottles, canned food, dried fruits, some snacks, antibiotics and more painkillers.

You were about to open the door to a blue car as someone grabbed your left arm and grunted loudly. Walker. You fumbled with your knife and had to use your leg to push the walker away from you further so it wouldn't bite you. Another hand grabbed your other arm as you went to stab the first zombie. You now had two grunting walkers clinging onto you and they were struggling to bring your limbs to their mouths just as much as you were struggling to keep them away from you.


For your sake you hoped Luke had heard you over all the grunts coming from the walkers near you. You knew your shout would attract even more of them but you couldn't care less at the moment, you were desperate to get your boyfriend over here.

The dead on your left made a go for your neck and was very close to reaching it if it hadn't been for Luke's sudden appearance and attack on the zombie. He cut its head off without any effort and within seconds the second walker hadn't got a head anymore either.

You took a deep breath out of relief and quickly thanked Luke for saving you. The smile he offered in return caused your stomach to flutter and your cheeks to redden slightly, which was very unusual nowadays unless the redness was caused by running long distances.

"Have you found anything?"

"Yeah, water bottles, dried fruit, food cans and meds, you?"

He nodded approvingly as you were listing what you had found while looting the cars on the highway.

"Water, lots of cans, some matches, knives and ammo and also medicine," he said and showed the backpack he had collected everything in. "And a backpack, which I see you have found as well," he smiled.

Luke looked around quickly, making sure there were no walkers around, before he put one of his hands on your cheek and kissed you deeply. Time slowed down for a second before he pulled away, looking around again.

"Do you think any of these cars work? We should check them out while collecting more food and we could use one of them to get to somewhere safe," you suggested and bit your lip as Luke turned his gaze to you.

"Yeah, let's do it," he said with a nod and a smile. "Together, I'd rather not have you pinned to a car by walkers again."

You smiled and agreed with his condition.


Luke kissed your forehead before he opened the door you were on your way to open earlier.

"Hey, there's a duffel bag in here," Luke said as he leant into the backseat while you busied yourself with looking through the glove compartment in the front

"Take it! I found a gun and a couple of ammo rounds in here."

"Good, we're almost out of that too," Luke sighed and got out of the car.

You crawled out too and looked at him. He looked concerned and sad, like the severity of this thing just hit him. You reached out with your hand for his cheek and smiled.

"We'll make it to the end of this, okay? Let's take a car and find a safe place and let's," you interrupted yourself with a sigh, realizing that what you were saying might be too good to be true. "Let's just stay together, okay?"

"Sounds like a plan."

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