Fans // Gareth Bale

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A Gareth one for hazardarmy10 ! Hope you like it Laura! 🌝 Also thank you manuxxel for the help, it was highly appreciated! 🙈


"Hi guys, I'm Annie and I will be waiting for you tonight! Would you like two menus?"

The cheery voice of your assigned waitress for the night was annoyingly pretty. Your eyes reluctantly moved to look at her attractive figure. She had long blonde hair and remarkably green eyes that could steal even the most focused man's attention.

"Yes, please," Gareth said with a charming smile which caused Annie to blush a light shade of red.

You huffed quietly enough for no one to hear and then smiled a discreet fake smile as Annie handed you the menu while still looking at Gareth admiringly.

"Could we order our drinks already?"

Annie nodded with a wide smile as Gareth spoke up. She seemed delighted that he was speaking to her and it annoyed you, a lot.

Sure, you were used to people being starstruck when they met Gareth but this Annie was different. She was undeniably very attractive, so attractive that even the bare thought of her talking to your footballer boyfriend made you self-conscious.

"Two glasses of a good French wine and a water bottle, thanks," you said quickly, knowing that Gareth wouldn't mind you ordering for the both of you.

"Will be right up," she said and scribbled down your order on a small notepad.

It only took about a minute and a half for your beverages to be served so neither of you had decided what you would like to order yet.

"Just call me over when you want to order, okay? I won't be too long away," she added a small wink in Gareth's way as she spun around gracefully and strutted away from your table.

You glared in her direction as she walked through the two big doors that lead the kitchen of the restaurant. While you were distracted with sending Annie daggers Gareth had noticed your cold behavior and decided to confront you about it.

"Hey, what's with the killer-look?"

Gareth's eyebrows were raised and his lip slightly pouted, curious as to why you seemed to hate the waitress, he thought she was very nice.

"What? There's no killer look, Gareth," you said and turned to face him quickly.

He raised his eyebrows further and a small, playful smile started to form on his lips.

"Sure there isn't. You know what you want yet?"

"Yeah, I'll just go with the salmon."

He nodded and caught the attention of Annie rather quickly. She jogged over to your table in a matter of seconds, the same bright smile on her face. Gareth ordered for the two of you with ease.

"So, one salmon and one Caesar – good choices!"

Annie giggled slightly and managed to get your boyfriend to laugh too, you however only sat there with a small, unamused smile on your lips. Oh what great fun this woman brought to you.

"Hey, if you don't mind me asking, could I get a photo with you?"

Annie put your orders in her back pocket and looked hopefully at Gareth while biting her lip. She wasn't asking too much, was she? She didn't think she was at least.

"Yeah sure, absolutely. Y/N, babe, could you take the photo?"

Gareth waited for a nod from you, which came quickly, and then stood up from his chair and put his arm around Annie's shoulders. She had passed you her phone eagerly and the big smile on her face grew bigger and more irresistible as you snapped the photos.

After three snapped pictures you gave her the phone back with a small smile, not really liking how close she had been to Gareth. Usually you weren't the jealous type when it came to this sort of stuff so it sort of shocked you as to how jealous you were now.

"Thank you so much, both of you! You look so good in the photos, Gareth!"

She giggled and then added something about having to hand in your orders so she left quickly after.

You crossed your arms over your chest and raised an eyebrow while looking at the man in front you. He almost chuckled at how serious you looked.

"Why are you so jealous of her?" He asked, genuinely shocked, and slightly amused, about it. It wasn't often he got to deal with a jealous you since you were very accepting of his fans, yet from time to time it did happen, like now.

"Gar, have you seen her? She's crazily beautiful! Not to talk about her laugh, did you hear it? That's the kind of laugh that makes men swoon," you said hesitantly and bit the inside of your cheek.

Gareth burst out laughing at your stupid, but valid and correct he had to admit, arguments. She was very attractive and she had a nice laugh, he wasn't going to lie, but to him nothing could beat the sound of your laughter and the looks you possessed.

"Eh, shush, she's probably like half my age, love, and I love you and nobody else. Plus your laugh is way nicer than hers," he said and offered a smile in your direction.

"You're talking like you're forty years old," you giggled.

He brought his hand up to his chest and gasped jokingly.

"Excuse you very much, but I am not talking like I'm forty – you are however!"

"Sure I am," you giggled and leant forward in your seat, sitting closer to Gareth. "I love you."

"Yeah, same bro," he said in between laughs. "Now that is not something a forty year old would say!"

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