Faith // Toby Alderweireld

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There is bound to be a lot of conversation in this one, just FYI. Also, this is dedicated to PierceTheVietto , Lauren, and I hope you love it!!


It was eleven in the evening when the door leading into yours and Toby's shared apartment opened. The couch you had been sitting on since seven, when Toby was originally supposed to be home, was starting to give you severe back pains which caused you to curse yourself for just sitting there while waiting for your boyfriend to come home. Especially since you had been doing this for almost every day for three weeks. Even the days Toby didn't work later than until three he'd still be late home.

To say you were upset with his behavior was an understatement. You were worried, beyond annoyed and scared of it. Scared since you didn't know why he was home late every day, and since every time you would ask you would just receive a 'hm' or 'leave it be' in return. The thought of him having an affair had crossed your mind more times than you'd like, so many times that you couldn't even keep track of them anymore.

"I'm home." Toby stumbled into the area that you called your living room, an area secluded from the hall. He almost walked straight into the table in front of the couch but stopped himself just in time, thankfully.

The sigh that managed to escape your lips was unmissable, it definitely didn't slip by Toby who instantly met your gaze and raised his eyebrows as he walked around the table and sat down on the couch to the right of you. "Have you been drinking?" You asked impatiently and didn't dare meet his eyes as you asked him what he would consider as an accusatory question.

The annoyed groan coming from him initiated that he was in fact annoyed and possibly even offended by your question. "No. I'm very tired, that's all." Judging by the fact that he didn't smell of any alcohol you trusted him and bowed your head down, looking at your hands which you had rested on your thighs for the last minutes. "Are you alright?" He asked suddenly, completely out of the blue.

"No, what makes you think I would be? All I do is work and come home to an empty house every day, and you arrive way later than you're supposed to so all I am is lonely." You said and looked up at him, feeling the need to tell him what you thought and felt about his recent habits. "I'm actually starting to think" that was a lie, you didn't start to think anything, you had already thought about it for two weeks. "that you are sleeping with another woman, or man, or someone that at least isn't me!" You got up from your spot on the couch and straightened your back so you could stretch it slightly.

"Are you seriously accusing me of cheating on you? Really?" Toby stared at you in disbelief as he rose from the couch too and walked around the table so he could face you clearly. "Have I not already told you to leave it be? And don't you know me well enough to know that I would never cheat on you?" His arguments were solid you admitted to yourself, but his actions gave you no other choice. What were you supposed to think of his constant late arrivals? Exactly.

"Yes, I am! I don't know any better since I don't know the Toby who comes home at eleven every night and never tells me what he's been up to. I don't know some secretive and suspiciously behaving Toby at all! I know the open you, like you were when you used to tell me everything, when you would apologize for arriving home late even if you had called to inform me that you would be late. That's the Toby I know, so don't come here and accuse me for 'not knowing if you would ever cheat on me', because I don't know you right now!"

By the time you were finished ranting, tears were streaming down your face and your cheeks had turned a rosy shade of red since you had raised your voice while informing your boyfriend of your thoughts. Toby's face was currently a mixture of hurt and aggravation and it made you feel guilty, not that you wanted to feel guilty since he literally had this rant of yours coming.

"I'm still the same person, don't you get that? So what if I arrive home late, it's really none of your business anyway!" Toby was clearly fed up with your accusations, at least if you were judging by his body language. The way he was speaking while he was running both of his hands through his hair in a dismissive manner and how his face swapped emotions every two seconds and how he never lost eye contact with you. He was angry and you knew it, but so were you.

"But you're not, Toby, you aren't the same person, otherwise we wouldn't be having this argument!" You stomped down your right foot on the ground angrily and met your boyfriend's eyes with a look that showed you were tired of this. "I hate sitting up late every night waiting for you. To be honest I don't even know why I do it!" You made a loud noise and stomped your foot against the floor again, unable to contain your frustration. "I'm leaving."

As Toby realized that you were in fact walking away from him, you almost being at the door now, he quickly jogged after you and grabbed your hand harshly, stopping you from walking any further.

"Don't leave." He said and looked into your eyes with uncertainty. "You can't leave me, please."

"You mean I can't leave you, but you can leave me?" You spat and glared at him, suddenly not guilty over the effect your words had on him.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry I've been home late every day for three weeks. I am so sorry that I have been planning a wedding with Jan and Harry." His eyebrows furrowed as he spoke yet his eyes stayed connected to yours. "I've been planning to ask you to marry me, and since I know both you and I are busy with our jobs I asked Jan and Harry to help me plan some of the basics, the most would still be up to us, of course, but I thought you would appreciate it when you found out. This was not how you were supposed to find out by the way."

He broke the eye contact for the first time by staring down at the ground shamefully while letting go of your hand. He had been planning to ask you to marry him? He wasn't cheating? "Oh my god..." You grabbed his hand again and took a step closer to him, lifting his chin up with your finger. "You want to marry me?"

His eyes were full of tears and as the first one slipped out of his grey orbs he spoke again, this time using a much lower and gentler tone. "Of course I want to marry you, you're the love of my life and I could never not want to marry you. I love you so much." The words coming out of his mouth was enough to get you both crying, you mostly however.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry Toby, I'm so so so sorry." You pulled him closer and pressed your lips upon his, half of you expecting him to push you away. Gladly he didn't, he only kissed you back with twice as much passion as you had in you.

"So will you marry me?" He asked and looked hopefully into your eyes, tears still slowly leaving his eyes.

"Yes." You kissed him again, feeling the tears on both of your cheeks get mixed up, causing you to pull away rather quickly and engulf him in one of the tightest hugs you had ever given. "I love you so much, Toby."

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