Red wine // Manuel Neuer

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Emzzie16 here you go, I hope you like this!! And awwwww man I love writing about Manuel bc let's face it, he's such a babe. 🙈 important: anyone got any requests? Just tell me which footballer you want and the plot! x


"Liebe, I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back." Manuel's chair made a screeching sound as he left the table and headed for the bathrooms located a not very long distance behind your table in the corner of the room.

The two of you were at a fancy restaurant having dinner to celebrate your two year anniversary. The anniversary had actually been the day before but due to a big league game Manuel was busy the whole day.

Only a couple of seconds after Manuel left, a man in his thirty's stumbled your way, most likely heading for the bathroom. He held a bottle of red wine in his right hand and it surprised you how he still hadn't been thrown out of the restaurant. With the way this man was stumbling it was obvious to you he was drunk, or close to being drunk at least.

Before you even realized what happened he stumbled a bit too much as he passed you, enough for wine to pour out of the bottle and land on your dress. Your white dress. The red alcoholic liquid quickly soaked it so it stuck to your body in an uncomfortable way and turned from white to a light shade of red.

"I-I'm so sorry pretty- pretty woman." His slurring tone sounded sarcastic and plain out rude and made you wish you could just stand up and slap him, but you couldn't. You were frozen to your seat with your mouth hanging agape and your eyes widened. This drunk man had just poured wine onto you.

He stumbled past you while letting a smirk dress his lips, obviously finding the situation very entertaining. Maybe it was one of his hobbies to pour wine on celebrating women's dresses.

"Oh my God..." Your eyes flew to your now reddened dress so you grabbed napkins from the table, desperately trying to remove the wine from your clothing. "My dress!" You gasped to no one in particular. The tears building up in your eyes were inevitable and before you knew it you were inhaling the air irregularly from crying.

You heard steps behind you and turned around quickly to make sure it wasn't the drunk guy stumbling past you again. "Scheiße. What happened liebe?" Manuel's eyes widened at the sight of your dress and he started to jog over to your table in a rush. "Hey, don't cry liebe, please don't cry." He crouched down beside you and lifted off the napkins from your dress carefully as he tried to get you to stop crying. "Is this wine?" He scrunched his nose as he caught the scent of what had soaked your dress.

"Yes." You said between your cries. "Can we just go? No one's seen this yet." You wiped the tears off your face and took a deep breath, trying your best to compose yourself.

"Tell me what happened first, please?" Manuel gazed up at you with his mesmerizing blue eyes, his mouth slightly agape as he grabbed ahold of the table to keep his balance. "Your glass is still full so I'm presuming you didn't pour this on yourself." He said with a hint of a smile on his lips, only for the purpose of making you feel better of course, he didn't find a single thing entertaining about this situation.

"Some jackass stumbled past with a wine bottle and may or may not have poured it onto me." You got up from your seat and turned away from the window in case any paparazzi would appear. You thanked Manuel in your head for booking a table in a secluded part of the restaurant and not in the midst of all the people. "Let's just leave, okay?" You sighed as Manuel stood up too and looked down into your eyes, reaching out to your cheeks with his hands gently. He wiped the remaining tears off of your cheeks and pressed a kiss to your forehead before pulling away.

"Where'd he go?" He asked gently, waiting patiently for your reply.

"To the bathrooms I think." You knew you couldn't stop Manuel if he wanted to talk to the drunk that had caused your dress, and night, to be ruined.

"Stay here, alright?" He smiled before heading towards the bathrooms where he had come from not too long ago.

"Manuel, don't lay a finger on him, please?" You knew your boyfriend looked like a big cuddly teddybear but he could be very intimidating when needed, like now, but you didn't want the drunk man to be hurt.

"Promise." He said with a glance at you as he opened the door and escaped your line of sight.

Your heart started beating faster with the thought of what Manuel was able to do and so you prayed he'd stay true to his promise. You would find out later anyway, he was a terrible liar and would look guilty if he was lying. A couple of minutes later Manuel had walked up to you and grabbed your hands without you realizing, but his slight shake of your hand woke you up from your absence.

"Before you ask, all I did was pour the remaining wine out in the sink." The look in his eyes gave him away, there was more than what he had told you.

"And what else did you do?" You raised your eyebrows and crossed your arms over your chest and only realized your mistake as you felt your arms getting damp because of the still present wine. "Scheiße..."

He chuckled at you before smirking. "I gave him some money and told him to sort his life out." He kissed your lips quickly before taking his suit jacket from his chair and offered it to you. "Take this on and no one will be able to see your dress. Let's go home."

You smiled and blushed slightly as he helped you take on his jacket. It was too big for you since he was so tall but he told you you looked very cute, earning another blush from you.

"Danke Manuel, ich liebe dich."

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