.•° Did it end well? °•.

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You twirl your fingers on the metal marbles you been playing. Yesterday you learned that The guy With Dick yesterday was the Second Eldest.

Jason Todd. He was flirty and a show off but yet charming (A/n: Oh my DC! I'm Fangirling on Todd! Any fans there?) and abit hot tempered next was Damian Wayne. Sneaky and A Death Glarer, You found him adorable when Dick treated him as a child.. Like literally. A child, How Damain protest as he was tackled by a Hug from Grayson and It was Adorable!

Waving your free hand to the side, both metal marbles turn into a flat surfboard. Stepping on it, you watch as metal vines twirled around your leg incase you don't fall off the board.

(A/n: Know the F4 Silver Surfer? Yeah kinda related to that)

"O~~kay Here's your Earpiece. My computer is already connected to the Police's Radio so I'll tell you on the comms what or where's the trouble. Oh and Say Hi to Robin for me!" You roll your eyes at Rein and put on the Earpiece under your mask.

You decided to use your Metal powers than using both Fire and Metal. It's almost 6 and soon, Gotham will be covered with gunshots and sirens from Police cars and Ambulance.

Flying to the building's tall shadows, You air-surf so quietly and once you stop at a building with gothic demon winged statues on the sides, you hid at a shadow and watch the city below.

Time runs fast. It like you been on the shadows for like 10 minutes and it's 7.

'O~~kay we have a robbery at The Bank to your 10 and you better hurry up. Joker and Bane's slackers are needing a truck to load the cash' Rein's voice sounded on your ear and you reply. "Right. Eagle eye. On my way"

Surfing on the air, faster than the vehicles below you as you kept following of an Alarm that sounded like from a Bank.

Landing on the building next to the Bank, you saw Bane and Joker himself with loads of bags on their grasp that seems to be money. Your eyes narrow when you saw a device with a Green blinking button.

Bane's goons came out of different direction and you jump closer to hear their conversation.

"Are the Bombs settled?" Bane asked his Goon

"Settled Boss" One replied.

'Bombs? Wait Where?!'  You thought and Rein seem like to read your thoughts.

'There! I scanned through the Security Cameras. They planted more like 50 bombs on the North and West coastlines of Gotham' He said.

You grit your teeth and your metallic Double sided axe form on your grasp. You grip on the handle and Took a deep breathe before you fly above the criminals. You let yourself fall on the shadows that are close enough to Bane.

Without a second, You ran through Bane and he was surprised yet regain his mind to defend himself.

Swifting a kick to his face, He grunt and Sent a punch towards you but dodge it and Swung the flat surface of your axe to his cheek.

You land on your feet "I thought We are luring Batman and Boy Wonder! Not another Pain in the ass!" Joker exclaimed shooting a shot gun at you but you did back flips to avoid it.

Bane grabbed your ankle and threw you to the Bank. Your back hitting the Concrete wall and then the Marble floor. You groan and use your elbows to rise you up.

'Y/n? Y/n?! You okay? Are you dead? Holy Gotham Don't die! Wait... I'm seeing three heat signatures coming from your 10' You roll your eyes from the Not dying part but saw metal poles on a corner. You heard Bane's heavy footsteps from behind.

He pick you up by the neck and ready to snap it. But then you wave your hand and the metal poles swirled around him as you commanded.

He groaned and threw a Pole close to his face. 'Rein. Where are the bombs located?'  You asked through your comms.

'Uhh like I said. North and West coastlines of Gotham. Y/n We can't Difuse the bombs in like 5 minutes!' Rein exclaimed.

You were too busy on the comms and didn't notice Bane behind. He was about to Swoop a punch at you when 3 familiar Figures Stop him by throwing bombs.

You thought for a moment and just like a lightning. You found a crazy idea.

'Rein what does those Bombs look like?'

'Wait a sec.. It's Round, covered in small metal wires and duct tape'

Bane's grunts and groans got you back to the World. You saw Batman, Robin and Batgirl fighting Bane himself.

You didnt waste any time. Using your metal board. You flew meters high up to the ground where you can see the Coastlines.

Concentrating. You breathe in and out before rising your hands up in ease, with your eyes closed.

'Y/n! Dont! You don't know if you can control metal that far!'  You ignored Rein's voice and on cue. You saw more like hundreds of Bombs flying to your direction.

'Two minutes and Twenty five seconds'

Using all your strength. You combined all the bombs like a ball and fist pump in the air, making the ball of bombs fly up faster. Some bombs are still tailing at the large ball and you commanded to fly up faster.

'One minute and Fifty seconds. From the live satelite camera, The bombs are passing through the Earth's atmosphere'

Moments after, You could hear sounds of Explosion and Orange-red light behind the grey clouds.

Joker's laughter echoed to your ears. Looking down, You saw Heavily Guarded Police men pushing Bane to a Car. Feeling weak on the shoulders and thighs, You felt like falling or it is.

Rein screamed your name though the comms but your vision blurried and you didn't have the strength to call your board or twitch a finger and in a second...

Everything went black...

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