.•° Moments °•.

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Running was the last thing you remembered last week. It was blurry and dim.

You sat on your board while it float itself to where Nightwing and Robin are.

"Oh hey... Linx? You okay?" Nightwing asked.

".. Y-yeah. 😶I got a frizzle fight with some jerk ass donkey dook so... Uh yeah"

"Gee. Well that's... Stressful.. Say, why don't you..." He gently got you off the board and turn you around facing the exit by your shoulder.

".. Go get some rest and think whether to talk to that jerk or call us to kick his ass. It's up to you so... See ya in uh... 60 hours"


"Y/n!" You spit out your beer as Babs shouted your name right beside your ear.

"What are you doing?! Is this... Beer?! Ugh you're crazy!" You were close to get another drink but she grabbed it and you stare at her.

"What the?! Come on Babs--" "No! Don't you Babs me! What has gotten into you?!"

Again with the shoutings. "Nothing" You mumbled.

"It's about you and Tim isn't it?"

"Why did you asked when you already know the answer?" You cocked a brow and she roll her eyes.

"Anyways, Why are you here?" You asked as you made your way to the kitchen.

"Well, As Far as you know. The Amusement park is going to open soon so"


"But I didn't even asked you yet!"


"Your so weird"

"Thanks for the complement"

"Your welcome"

"Come with us please!"

"You sounded demanding than begging"




"No No No And No. A hundred times No Babs. Anyways, I have homework"

"Obviously, You didn't have school since the current accident so You have no escape from me Y/N!"

"Like I told you, I got no time Babs"

"Your just avoiding Tim are you?'

She's right. As you woke up this morning, You had 59 missed calls and 26 messages from Tim but you didn't bother to reply back.


"Why did I even agree with you Barbara. I'm not in the mood to play or eat or anything. I'm going home---Ack!" Barbara choked you behind with her arm but quickly let go. Your lucky your not a volcano or else, you would've blow up.

You never wore this kind of outfit today, A white crop top, Jean shorts and a blue ankle level converse.

You usually wear jeans but you wanted to change into something... New..

"Who are ya calling B?" You asked Barbara who have been on her phone ten minutes ago.

"Hey Babs Hey Y/n" Dick.. You turn to see Dick and Tim walking up to You and Barbara.

Tim looked sad and more like on cloud nine.

"So. Now the guys are here, let's go!" She cheered and started following her. Tim looked at you in the corner of your eye but you ignore it, Keeping yourself shut to avoid having a convo with him.

As soon as two hours passed, Babs continue to roam around the amusement park.

"Step Right up and see the Magic happens!" Babs heard from her left, She grabbed you causing you to yelp as she did. She dragged you to the yelling geezer that was standing on the crater, wearing a top hat and a tux. A few people were standing so it wasn't hard to listen.

"This tent before me is the Magic Zone! Where people will witness amazing and shocking events! And with full of magic" From that, He slowly diverge his hands and from it, The deck of card transfered to his left hand like a Gambler pro.

People cheered and clapped. "We gotta watch this Magic Zone!" Dick cheered and you groaned mentically.

Another hour wasted if you will just watch 1800's magic trick. You didn't noticed Barbara already buy tickets and Dick dragged you to the line.

"Aww come on! Aren't you old enough for magic? I mean It might be boring and stuff"

"No. Barbara already buy the tickets and please, just for us? We haven't hang out for like days!" Dick replied to you and curse mentally. 

As expected. The show was boring for you and you can't wait to get out of Barbara's grip.

She didn't trust you sitting alone because you might sneak away so. She paired you with Tim.

"I know you didn't want to see him but atleast talk to him. Give him another chance, He been stuck in his room ever since, barely eats and He been staring at his phone all night" That explains his dark bags under his eyes.

"Okay! Just stop talking" You claps your palms to your ear and she pats you on the shoulder.

It was the Ferris wheel was next. You groan as Barbara pushed you into the cart and kick Tim in the back inside.

He sat on your left while you on his opposite side.

'Talk to him' 'All night' 'Barely eats' You sigh loudly and mentally chuckle at Tim's red face.

"Avoid staying up all night Timothy. Those bags look like marker drawn under your eyes" He looked at you and smile ghostly.

"I-I will if you forgive me" You and him stare for seconds. You miss him and he miss you too.

"Alright. I forgive ya Drake" "Yes!" He suddenly stood up and cheer in joy.

"Okay Big Guy, calm down. The ride is starting!" You pull him down beside you and on cue, the cart started to move.

Tim Drake X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now