.•° Gotham Halloween °•.

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Part 2/2


You fiddled on the metal marbles on your fingers while laying on the bed. Tonight is the party and you been bored out of your mind, you sat up and thought for a moment.

'I just found out I have force field and fire powers... There might be more hidden inside me' You stare at the shadow of the sleeping bird on a cable wire.

You focused on it and clear your head. Imagining it might move or anything. You closed your eyes but instead, Wonder woman stood infront of you.

"D-- Wonder Woman! W-What are you doing here?" Standing up, She smiled and she reach up to your shoulder.

And suddenly, her figure faded. Green smoke scattered and you fan your face with your hand as the smoke hits your face.

"What was that?"


"Is Diana here?" You asked Nightwing as he greeted you a good afternoon.

"Well, No. She won't be visiting this place til she settles a war between Poseidon and Aphrodite. Been home til last week.. Why?"

"N-Nothing. Just wondering why I haven't see her around that's all"


"I am like a bomb! Illusion powers is soooo wicked!" You cheered while you made a swarm of butterflies on your room.

"You sure you aren't going to kill Shiera on that?" Des asked for the hundred times, pointing at your scythe you just made using a metal marble.

"Yeah. Being embarrassed in front of others is okay with me and quit saying I'm going to kill someone okay?" You assured her and she nods.

Des wore a witch outfit of course, while you wore a Grim reaper outfit. A black cloak, black gloves and a scythe of course. You wore your suit beneath just in case.

"And I thought Death himself came to get me... I mean, herself" Tim appeared wearing... Nightwing outfit...

"For a second, I thought it was The Actual Nightwing! Where did you got the costume Tim" You smirked and he seem to be nervous but you didn't mind it.

"I uh... Ordered it online! Yeah" He replied while looking at you directly.

Council President made his way to the stage with a mic in hand on a Pirate costume.

"Hello everyone! I can see you are all having enjoyment" People cheered and hop up and down.

"Exactly what I wanted to hear! So enjoy the party, later on we dedicate who wins the Scariest Video contest and the couples who win the amazing costume contest!"

"Amazing Costume contest? I mean really?" You asked to Des.

She nods while drinking a soda. "How's your scariest video with Shiera?" You asked your bestfriend and he shrugged.

"It went okay but yesh! Sheira pounce on me for like fifty times because of a rat, leech and a caterpillar. But at the bright side, we got a great video" He smiled proudly and you roll your eyes.

"Hope it's not old school scary video" You grumbled and he playfully smack your shoulder and you point out your tongue at him.

"God. Just say you love each other already" Harry came out of nowhere and what he said made you scoot away from Tim.

"Harry! You look---" You took a moment to see what he wore. He really looked like his Dad.

He wore a green lantern costume and you raise a brow at him. "Like a mere stalker of green lantern. In fact, you really look like him!" You smiled and his cheek flashes pink.

"T-Thanks. And.. Whoa! For a moment I thought it was the real Nightwing! Hey Tim" Harry smiled and fist bumped with Tim.

Tim narrowed his eyes at Harry and Harry nods... You raise a brow at the two boys and shrug it aside.

Enjoying the party for a moment, you felt that your mask is falling out of your belt inside the cloak and you jogged to the Ladies room and lock the door after checking if someone is left inside.

"You didn't told me my mask has a voice changer" You asked Rein whom have been busy eating a pizza. You just noticed a voice changer device at the edge of the mask after you got out of the clinic where you met the Justice League.

"Oh I forgot to tell you about that... Sorry" He sheepishly answered while continuing to eat his meal.

"Anyways, why do you put it?"

".. So no one can particularly get obvious of your voice and might reveal your indentity"

You got out of your flashback when you felt some wet liquid on your upper body. You gasped when you saw Shiera holding an empty cup and tilted sidewards, smirking because she got you wet by a soda.

"Oh sorry. I didn't see you there, better watch where you're going nerd" She and her friends laughed as Tim and Des noticed your situation.

"What happened?"

"Oh nothing Timmy, it's just your friend here is so clumsy and she got herself wet" Shiera answered instead of you. Des glared at her and ready to claw her face but you stop her.

"I'll show you whose clumsy" She mumbled and her eyes glowed yellow but it returned to her normal black eyes.

"Des" You warned and looked at you.

"Success is the best revenge Des"

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