.•° V for Villain or Z for Zip it? °•.

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You grunt as Harley's Mallet hit your back. 'Okay. Maybe Shiera dragged alot of Villains'  You thought and dodge another attack from Harley.

Right now, Your dealing with Harley, Joker, Bane and Poison Ivy and it's a very hard job.

"This is taking up our time. I'm getting the girl" Ivy said and walk away with Bane.

"Atleast we have the fun puddin'" Harley giggled and swung her mallet at you but you jump up and landed on top of the lockers.

You had a black mask to keep your identity hidden, still not wearing your suit.


You shoved your math notebook on your bag as you entered your History Class, Like a while ago. Shiera is still tailed and crowded by people, asking to take her photo or anything.

You balled your right hand to fist, ready to punch her smile away but it was disturbed by a sound of explosion.

Screaming sounded in every direction and student's started to run to the exit.

You push yourself to the opposite direction, seeing Bane covered by Rubble, Poison Ivy and her plants moving around her and two nuthead psychotic maniacs standing with a wicked smile on their faces.

Then again, you got hit by Harley's mallet and your back destroyed the wall that is only to keep danger from the student's on the entrance.

Staff members and Student's lined up, some passed out and some on their phones probably taking a video of whatever is happening.

You landed on your back, Several student's began to murmur while looking at you. You groaned as you stood up.

"What are you looking at Rats? I'm saving you from danger and that's how you all thank me? Glaring? Okay I'm giving you time to think how you thank me later" You yelled while pressing the M icon behind your watch.

You felt something wrap around your body. In a second, your already on your suit and people gasped.

"Unhand me Dirty sewer rats!" It was Shiera. Held by Harley on the upper arm, her wrist tied by Ivy's vines and The villains has this shocking expression.

"Y-You... Then. Who are you?" Ivy asked confusedly.

"That's Metalinx! Then.. Who?" A Boy said from behind 

"True Metalinx here" You raise your hand as you assembled the metal marbles from your pockets and form it into your board and metal shards.

"Metalinx! Great your here! Ow! Save me from these... Dirty people!" Shiera said as Ivy punched her in the gut.

"Not til you tell everyone the truth" You said without hesitation. She widened her eyes yet narrowed at you.

"Better tell it already or else, these guys are not good at waiting" 'Jumping Loaf Breads! The heck's the matter with this guy?!'  You mentally thought as Robin appeared beside you. He landed with ease and held out his bo staff.

" I-I lied! I'm not Metalinx.." She yelled.

"And?" You smirked at her.

"And I'm sorry for pretending that you're me and Saying that You're Boy Wonder's girlfriend.. There I said it! Now please! Save me!" She pleaded and Joker pointed a knife at Shiera's Throat.

"Not so fast Kiddos" Joker deepened the knife and Shiera screamed.

Bane ran to you two and you jump away from him. Robin was meters away away from you and Ivy started attacking him.

"Robin!" You yelled as you were about to run to help him but Harley swung her mallet at you and you jump back causing more distance between you and Robin.

"Your mine Scrap!" She yelled and pulled her hammer up but you dodge it again as it almost squashed you.

You were about to attack her but Robin flew into your direction and soon, you and his body flew to your left and both hit the wall.

"You ... idiot why.. Didn't y-you warn me?! I was busy playing with Psycho hottie back there!" You yelled and both stood up.

"Sorry. From your height, I didn't saw you. You're too... Short" He joked and you were about to yell at him when Commissioner Gordon's voice disturbed you. And clearly, he had a megaphone.

'We Will not hesitate to open fire until you surrender yourselves on the entrance!'

Rolling your eyes. " You and me are finishing this later" You snarled and he scoff then threw bombs at Joker and Harley.


You let out a sigh as you step out of the Bathroom, Wearing a Grey oversized shirt and jean shorts. You marched your way to the kitchen to get something to eat.

Opening the fridge, you bit the apple and hold it with your mouth as you grabbed a Apple tea and strawberries.

There was a pool of water from the faucet and you were busy eating the apple. When wet, the tiles are somewhat slippery and might as well call it an ice skating rink.

Your feets are still wet and now walking to the wet tiles. Your right feet slipped and felt falling.

You yelped while falling and protect your head by your arms, but instead of a wet pool, You held out a hand as to keep you from banging you head.

But as it impact to the marble floor, You felt it touched something cold.

And that's how you found out that you have ice powers. It's weird that you have now three powers but you slip it off.

"Nightwing and Batgirl are on their way. Hold them off as long as we can until they get their asses here" Robin said as he jump behind you, Facing Joker and Harley while you face Ivy and Bane.

"In the meantime, I got a plan" You whispered. He cocked his brow when he looked at you on the corner of his eye.

"I'm in. As long as it's not involving you getting you to a hospital after or something" He joked and you sarcastically let out a laugh.

"On my signal, Try holding them as long as you can and I'll handle the rest" You whispered and he leveled his staff to his chest.

He glared at the Psychos before nodding.

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