.•° It isn't expected °•.

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"Do I have to?"

"Yes, or else you want to scramble all over your place just to find a single coin"

You groaned as Des talked over the other line, you, right now, standing infront of the Gotham Bank and thinking about second thoughts of using a ATM.

"And don't even think about making an excuse. You'll just be in there for like ten minutes and your done!" She cheered and you roll your eyes.

You didn't wore your suit today because you got lazy and it's Sunday, meaning your lazy day.

"Ugh Fine. But you promise not to bug on my things ever again" She promised and you hang up, entering the building and all you heard is people talking and keyboard typing.

Drake's P.o.V (A/n: What? Didn't see that coming? ;) Pietro Maximoff's... Ah! Bae. .... Okay .. I'll stop.... Damian!.... Okay...)

I sat on the leather chair on the bat cave, watching some normal people's lives go. I got the perfect view for the Security Camera's and monitors today.

As I open another screen, It appears on the Gotham City National Bank where it seems to be normal. I reach for the keyboard, ready to change it to another scene but as soon as I saw a very familiar face, I retreat my hand and watch my bestfriend sit on the leather chair and talk to an accountant.

I zoom in and watch her every move. Hey, I'm not that creepy to be called a creep besides, I just want her to be safe.

'Safe or admire her beauty?' My conscience told me and I roll my eyes.

Everything was going well when I saw the Bank's Manager had a sinister smile on his face and laugh, holding a belt full of grenade on his shoulder and one he is holding. And sooner or later, Joker and his goons crowded the bank, taking the money and jewels.

I saw Y/n punching some Joker's goons. Three. Five. Seven. Ten. Wow. She really can punch that hard.

But two guys attacked her and pin her arms on the cold marble floor and her legs.

Headbutting the other one, she tried to get out of that situation but three more held her down.

I quickly called Dick and Barbara about the Joker menace.

'Seriously Tim, You can handle him with your eyes closed' Barbara said while I think she is cooking.

'B's right. You can handle him and if you need help you'll know where to find us' Dick said while grunt through the comms, maybe practising gymnastic.

"Guys Y/n is over there. She punch some of Jokers but she's in trouble. Harley's hitting her head with knives and good thing she's dodging it!"

They shut up for a second before responding like their souls just came back from their bodies after hearing Y/n is in trouble.

I cut off our connection and prepare my stuff as I watch Y/n struggling. If anything happens to her, I would never forgive myself.

She means everything to me. I was there and she's there, we both lost our family.

But she and the bat family are her family too. Not on the vigilante part, the normal people part.... For a thought, I remember on how will I ever tell her that 'Hey Y/n, It's me your bestfriend Tim and also Robin a.k.a Boy Wonder at night. I like you and you can slap me if you want'

Yeah. That would be a geekiest and lame excuse ever existed...

I use a grappling gun to swing myself to the bank. My heart thumping louder as I found the familiar building.

On a window, I found Batgirl peeking through. She noticed me coming and gestured me to keep quiet as I went to the other side of the window, watching the scene below.

"Now, which one of you is first?" Joker asked while swinging a knife around his finger, circling the hostages with a sinister grin.

Nightwing came shortly, him and Batgirl decided to come up with a plan while I watch the terrible scene below. My eyes scanning every corner to find her.

Ther--- holy crap... Y/n had her gray shirt stained in crimson red, white fabric tied her waist that seemed the source of the stains, she leaned on a table as an old lady has her arm under Y/n's neck.

I got nervous and angry at the same time, Joker is mine to torture. More else, Harley too.

I back away from the window and joined Nightwing and Batgirl planning.

"Okay, heres the plan"

(Y/n's P.o.V)

Grunting as Harley kicked your thigh, you burned stares at her back as she went to walk to her puddin' and the old lady tuck strands of hair behind your ear.

"Just stay down dear. You've lost a lot of blood for today" She whispered to you and your breathings started to go heavy.

Suddenly, the power were cut off and some hostages screamed. The old lady's presence was nowhere and you took your chance to hide.

Crawling, ducking and covering your ears as gun shots and screams echoed the bank.

Hearing grunts, thuds and groans made you grow curious before the power went back on. You found yourself leaning on a metal drawer and bodies of Joker's goons lied around, unconscious.

Some hostages were traumatized, shock and shaking from the event. You saw Batgirl, Nightwing and Robin fighting off goons.

You stood up, holding your wound but duck down when Harley passed your area.

You peeked sideways, seeing Batgirl having a hard time fighting Harley and two more goons.

You slam your hand to the marble floor and you watch every metal objects shake and together formed a rope, you wave your hand right then to left.

The rope itself grabbed the villains and attached to the wall. Nightwing, Batgirl and Robin stood there confused but they soon realised their job wasn't finished.

Nightwing dragged the unconscious goons to the tied villains while Batgirl drag the hostages out. Your visions started to blur and your eyelids getting heavy every second.

You heard footsteps running around, it sounded that the person is looking for someone or something.

You grunt as you tried to sat up but failed. The pain got even more critical making you let out a cry of pain.

"Hol--- Uhh are you alright miss?" Speak of the devil, You saw Robin kneeling down beside you and examined your wound.

"Does it look like I'm okay Boy Wonder? Well yeah. I'm stabbed on my waist by a bloody knife and be bloody joyful about it" You grumbled with such sarcasm and he stared at you shocked.

"Uhh s-sorry. I uh better get you to a hospital" He snaked his arm under your thigh and carried your body bridal style.

Your visions got blurry, breathings getting heavy and Robin noticed it.

"Hey. Hey. Stay with me miss. Focus on me please" He begged as he pass Batgirl and climbed on Nightwing's ride.

Driving to the hospital, You saw white lights lit your visions and voices echoed to your ear.

"Y/n? Y/n, Stay with me" You weren't sure who the person was but hearing your name made you open your eyes.

But your eyes failed you.

"The stab went too deep on her waist. She must be operated or else it would be too late"

".. Please. Do what you must"

Tim Drake X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now