.•° You're kidding me right? °•.

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Yesterday was... Frustrating. How Dare he call you shorty?! Your thoughts on how to kill A Boy wonder were interrupted by Batman's voice and Rocket's Nudge on your stomach.

"On This mission. All of you would fly to Egypt and find the Krolotian's second base. Rescue the Abducties and return back safely. I'll send the coordinates where you should start. Good luck"

"Come on Linx! It's your first mission and I hope you went on our Team"

"Wait What Team?" You asked Wonder Girl

"Batgirl, Wonder Girl, Bumble bee and Rocket. You girls are Alpha. M'gann, Beast boy, Blue beetle and La'gann are Beta. Robin, Conner, Wolf and Metalinx are Gamma"

"What in Gotham's Gothic?! Why am I teamed with Bird brain?!" You bursted.

"Can't you just swap me On anyone else? Me and her don't get along and you know that Nightwing"

"Sorry but What's done is done. Everyone on the ship. We're leaving in 5"

"I still don't like you being my team mate. I would rather be Beastboy's Shoes for months than being on a team With you" You snarled at Robin, he scoff and placed his Bo staff on his belt.

"I rather stab myself Hundred times than staying with you in a minute" He scoff and walk off. You groaned while gritting your teeth.

"Easy Hothead" Super Boy chuckled as he appeared on your side.

"Look who's talking. Is it me your talking about or you?"

"Obviously. You. You hate each other since day one"

"Dunno why but I hated him when he glared at me. Like I'm a total Stranger to him"

"Robin is a Robin. Come on" You followed him up to your ride and Found The 2 teams busy loading to the jet.

"Wonder girl, You owe me 50 bucks!" Beast boy suddenly exclaimed when he saw you.

You looked at Beastboy as Wonder Girl groaned. "We made a bet. Wonder girl bet that You and Robin will be on a Cat Fight again and I bet the opposite! Haha!" He cheered as Wonder girl promised to give him his Money when This Mission is completed.


"Hey Hey! Linx! What's wrong with you?!" Blue asked as He saw you Almost falling to the Gold Sand of Egypt.

Ever since you landed on Egypt, You felt Dizzy and Your sweating.. Of course The team too is sweating but you are sweating like a Waterfall.

"Y-Yeah. I-I'm okay" You insisted and raise your hand to give them the signal.

Bumble bee and La'gann didn't came with this mission.. Why? La'gann has issues on Hot Lands... And Bumble bee got grounded and have Done Dish duties at their school for starting a food fight.

You suddenly heard a loud, Metal clanging Sound. Turning around, You saw Your ride... Exploded.

Your eyes widened and turn to Wolf. Who been beside you.

"W-What?! W-wha... The Jet!" BB exclaimed. Everyone started to Freak out.

"Don't worry Beastboy" Nightwing Chuckled.

"Don't worry?! How are we going not to Worr--" " This is all a training guys. The League wanted to see us on how we handle a difficult situation on a difficult terrain"

'God why is karma doing this to me!' You thought as you felt your lungs tightened. You placed your palms on your knees and breathe in and out. Trying to slide off whatever is been happening to you.

"Alright. Alpha to the north, Gamma on west and Beta on east. I'll just wait for you guys... At Pyramid of Giza. I might take a selfie of King Tut himself" He laughed and press several buttons on his wrist.

"Oookay.You all heard Nightwing. Let's go" Batgirl and the girls waved goodbye at you and went to seperate ways.

'I wonder what Tim's doing... O shoot! I haven't Visit him since ... 2 days! O god. What am I going to do?!'  Your eyes widened at how long you haven't seen Tim.

"--Ay?.. Hey! Linx you okay? You been spacing out and stabbing the sand for like five minutes" Conner disturbed you from your train of thoughts and flash him a small smile.

"Y-yeah. I'm okay. It's just that I haven't visited a friend and I kinda thought He will freak out so... Never mind.. Let's just go" Conner nod as Wolf nuzzle his head on your arm.

"How can this be a training when there is nothing here but sand and--" Robin was cut off by a booming sound of explosion. Not far from your team, glancing at each other. Except you and Robin because... You know why.

Surfing on the air, you and Conner flew up and found Team Alpha.

Fighting faceless, black robots. You guessed the robots are more than 20. The Robots have orange lines up to their arms and their palms glow orange too.

You form metal claws attached to your arm (Imagine Wolverine!) like your a Sabertooth.

"Hey" You said as you clawed a robot on the chest while walking to Bat girl. "O! Hey Linx" She threw a bomb at two robots and exploded.

"What's with the..... Robots?" You slashed the robot who cut you off as you asked Batgirl.

"Well, Thanks to Nightwing. He forgot that along with this training, we must battle the robots to get out if this place. The whole place is really not Egypt. It's a Containment field. Each hour, Wonder Woman, Batman and Captain Marvel will decide to change the threats that will come in our way. For an example, An hour ago was our Jet destroyed. Then these, Robots. Then another threat after an hour"

"Seems promising. How long are we going to stay here?" You asked as You threw a robot at wolf and gnaw it to pieces.

"If something will really really go uncontrol then Nightwing will report back to Batman"

You sigh as Conner punched the last Robot standing.

"Congratulations Young Justice, You survived the Second Threat. We will decide to finish this mission when something went unnecessarily. Til then, Good luck on the next hour. Be ready" Superman's voice echoed through the field.

"Where's Beta?" Conner asked to Wonder girl.

"We haven't found them but for sure, They made it" She said and pat your shoulder.

"You did great. Just like Superman said, Be ready" She then pinched your cheek and ran to Wolf and Conner.

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