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"I was such a jerk" You look at Tim as you were almost at the top.

"To be honest, You are" You laugh as he made a face. "Your suppose to disagree to that but you are right"

"Promise don't do that again yeah Tim?" You didn't want this to happened again, It is hurtful.

"I promise" You and Him made a pinky promise and you felt the cart halted.

Clearly, you two were on the highest. Like those scenes on romantic movies that on the top there will be kissing and confessions and couples...

"Well... T-This is cheesy" He blushed and look away from you. You tilt your head on confusion as he did.

"Hey, Is everything alright? Your face is so much like a tomato" You asked.

"I-It's n-n-nothing.. W-well it's you" You jerk your head back and cock your brow up.

"What is it?"

"Y-Your outfit"


You look down and mumble a curse. He didn't seen you like this... Wearing a bit revealling clothes and all

You too, blush shades of pink and look away from him and scooch away.

"I-Is it too revealling?" You asked while hugging  yourself.

"A-a bit. You l-look great but it will tail some perverts"

"Like you"

"Hey! Am not" He defended amd his face reddened more.

"Then why are blushing? And are you checking me out Timothy Drake?" You smirked as he made a 😤😨 face causing you to laugh.

"Stop laughing. Am certainly no..t" You kissed him on the cheek. He was surprised by your actions and he placed his hand on the cheek you kissed. You laughed again at his face and the cart started to move.

"What happened to you?" Dick chuckled as he saw Tim pink face and his hand still on his cheek.

Tim was dazed. So Dick looked at you waiting for an answer after Barbara squealed as you whispered what happened.

"It's the Lady technique Dick" Barbara winked at him and he got the message.

"So I'm guessing on the cheek huh?" You nod and he grinned sheepishly at Tim.

"You'll get used to it Bro" He swung an arm at Tim's shoulder and ruffled his hair.

"Yeah. Like Dick and Barbara. They got used to kissing" "Y/n!" You quickly ran away from Barbara and Dick smiled.

"She's back to herself again" He mumbled.

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You, Dick and Jason quickly hide as you heard Tim's yawn coming from the living room. It's 5 in the morning and Dick called you because this day is Prank Day at the Wayne Manor.

You watch Tim as he started to do his coffee and pour the hot water to his mug.

What was your prank? It was changing sugar to salt. Hey, It's Tim! He loves Coffee and stuff so why not ruin his morning sometimes. Jason hid camera's everwhere so this can't be only watch once a lifetime..

He stir his coffee and you claps your hand to your mouth, preventing you from laughing. He set down the spoon and draw the mug close to his lips. You sense Jason beside you, you knew because you saw his white streak on his hair.

As it was three seconds, He spit out the coffee, making a disgustful and funny face before he rush to the sink and wash his mouth now tasting salty.

You three laughed and crouch to the ground, holding your stomach. Tim turn around while his tongue is still out, He glared at his brothers and point his index finger at you.

"This isn't funny guys. I am innocent to be involve to this prank day and you even got Y/n into this!" He set you on your feet and glare at his still laughing brothers.

"Well we know you can't throw knives at us while Y/n is here so we drag her here. Hahahaha! You should've seen your face!" Jason laughed again.

"Ugh Whatever Peter and you, explain yourself once I'm change and you better make a apology speech" He grabbed your hand and dragged you to his room.

"Look Jason, They're holding hands!"

"Wear protection 'kay! It's morning so Lock the door! Alfred might be entering the room"

You blushed as Jason and Dick shouted unusual things.

You closed the door as Tim went to the bathroom to change. He came out with shorts and a black shirt.

"Jason and Dick can be such a pain the arse sometimes... Okay maybe a lot"

"You could say that again. It's Prank Day Tim and Bruce even called me last night before I sleep, He invited me to join this Prank Day at Wayne Manor so I agreed"

"Y/n, once you joined this fight it will involve you forever. Except if you are sick or seriously mad or angry that time"

"I'm okay with that, really" You blink after he give his speech.

He sigh and plop to his bed. You sat on the edge and stayed in silence.




"About the kiss" Tim started and he blushed pinkly.

"What about it?"

"Was it a friendly kiss or romantic kiss?"



"Prank Day... This is going to be messy"

"How can it be messy Drake?"

"Last year, I was teamed with Damian, Barbara and Bruce. While Dick, Jason, Cass and Stephanie are the other team. We kinda mess the whole Manor because of Damian and Jason and Alfred insisted to clean our own mess up. Stephanie and Damian almost put in jail because they 'Accidentally' splashed flour and pink paint on eight police cars and Dick nearly killed by drowning in a pit filled with mayonnaise"

"That is really mess up" You laughed on the part Dick nearly killed.

"But with you here, Mostly they are going to put more pranks to me than before"

"How come I didn't knew this years ago?"

"It's because we spent this day on a vacation"

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