.•° Aww come on! °•.

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You let out a shriek as white paint showered you from above. Removing the liquid on your eye parts, you look up to see Dick and Tim laughing and your bestfriend holding the bucket.


"We'll wait for that!" Dick replied and dissapeared. Leaving you soaked in white paint and struggling how not to mess up with Bruce's tiles.

Team A are:
Cass and

Team B are:
Damian and

You felt relief when Bruce and Jason are on your team.

First was your Team's move. Was taking out the toilet tissues, It was hilarious especially Dick, running in and out of the bathroom to look for some toilet tissues.

And this is their move, Pouring Paint!

"I hate pink!" Jason whined as he wipe the pink liquid on his cheeks and wipe it at Damian's shirt.

He punch Jason's arm and scooch away from Jason. As for Bruce and Damian, They were covered in yellow paint and as for Barbara, She was ambushed by Cass and Dick and showered her with purple. Now even her hair too, is purple.

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Team A is exhausted, all except for Alfred because he only give his team service and supplies.

They sat on the sofa, letting out a sigh of relief and exhaustion. As they don't know, you and Damian are holding your stuff and ready to drop it on your victims, clinging to the ceiling using your legs.

"Damn I'm beat! A juice can lighten us up" Tim groaned as he sat on the sofa with Cass. You met Cass for almost a year now. She's great and a good listener.

Alfred set the tray of refreshments on the glass table and went to wherever he would go. Cass was busy fanning herself with a handy fan, Dick on his phone and squirming on his seat as he play.

Tim also, busy plugging on the T.V so you signal Damian to do what you are told.

You knew Tim is overreacting when it comes to snakes so. You snuck a three week old yellow snake and tied it on a rope what Damian is holding right now.

He lowered it quickly as your victims are busy on the moment. You lowered yours, a box filled with tarantulas and you watch it crawl on the glass table.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" "WHAT IS THAT?!" Tim shouted as he almost drank the glass of juice that was filled with worms.

"AAAAAAH!" Dick sceamed more like a girl as the snake crawl to his shoulder and threw it somewhere and that somewhere is Tim.

He stare at it for three seconds before screaming like hell. Cass was busy slapping the tarantulas away and one of it landed on Dick's face. "Blugh! There's a spider in my face!"

"I can see that!" Cass said before swinging a bat she found out of nowhere and hit the tarantula. Dick dodge it due that Cass swung it closer to his face while Tim, screaming bloody hell that there is a snake close to his face.

Bruce hid cameras everywhere and it was hilarious seeing this moment. Til you couldn't handle the pressure

You laughed, Holding your stomach from above but since you can't hold your weight this 50 minutes long. Your left foot slipped and you shrieked as the gravity battled on your body.

"Y/n!" Cass yelled as she saw you fall. You waited for the impact but instead.

You felt soft on your thighs and back. "Did the weather told me that it was raining Y/n?"

You open your eyes only to meet familiar blue eyes. You guessed it was Tim because he already blushed at how close your face was.

He hesitated to lean in and you too, slowly. He closed his eyes as your faces are an inch apart...

But you stopped and he didn't open his eyes. You quickly grabbed the blow horn hanging on your hip and press the button next to Tim's ear

He let you down but before he did. You ran away from him with Damian and went to your headquarters.


"What happened to you?" Des chuckled as she noticed your tired expression.

"Negh... Don't ask. I felt like I been ambushed by elephants" You shut your locker just as you grabbed your math text book.

Last night went amazing. You and your team won a game at Mount Justice and celebrated it til 2 and you didn't get an amount of sleep and spend your time to help Nightwing on a research on two hours.

"More like a zombie from a monday morning" Tim joked as he poke your cheek and your forehead at the same time.

"O o! Guys did you heard of the Halloween Party? It's four days away and I better find the perfect costume!"

"⊙_⊙ Halloween Party? Here?" You asked as your eyes widened.

"Mmhm and there is a common ritual. Every adviser will set opposite genders of his/her student's and film the most scariest video clip they ever made! The Winners will have 90 percent grades and free lunch in 3 months!" She cheered with glimmering eyes.

"Uhuh. I hope I get paired up with my bestfriend.. Right Y/n?" Tim swung an arm on your shoulder and you laughed.

"Yeah. So I get to spook you away!" You laughed and remembered the time he dragged you to the horror house instead he got scared and scream like a girl.

Hi Y/n! This is Author but you can call me Mrs Damian Wayne..or His Beloved Haha!

Anyways, I know I'm out of schedule as I said I will update but I am sooooooooooo busy! I have projects, ICL, My Boyfriend, My chores and Time!

But I'll make it up to you my surprise on the chapter after this Halloween episode of yours.

And if you wanted to read the Bart Allen book then be patient

I mean it..


Be U!

Tim Drake X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now