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    "Heya Bruce. Mom and Hi Clark" You beamed at the kind man. He greeted back a kind greeting but his smile turned on a frown when he heard the third word escaped your lips.

" 'Mom'? " Clark emphasized and glance at Diana, who seem to have an innocent smile in her lips. "I shouldn't have seen it. How can I haven't seen it?" Bruce grumbled over to himself making you give him a small smile. "I'm sorry I didn't told you Bruce. I just thought that being a hero can destroy my image when you all find out but... I was wrong" You look down and found interest on staring at your shoes.

"Y/n," Bruce lay his hand on your shoulder, making you look up to him. "To my family, we accept on who we are and what we do. You're apart on my family when you started being friends with Tim, the boys love you and always will. Alfred and I too. So don't let any secrets keep you away from anyone. I was wondering why you haven't been visiting in the current time" You gave him a sheepish smile, "Young Justice needs Linx! But I am grateful to know that you're okay for me being a hero"

He crack a smile, "Your not the only one close to me being a hero" You knit your brows together and about to ask him when there's that crazy hugging alien girl came and come hugging you like you came back from the Dead.

"O my gosh! You look more gorgeous without your mask! *Gasp* Now we can go hang out together with Artemis, Zantanna and Cassie! Gosh, Linx you have very cute e/c eyes" M'gann gushed making you smile widely, knowing that she accepted you without a mask on, you could totally have some girl time.
When you, M'gann and Cassie went over to the couch where all the Team is, you stopped. Making M'gann and Cassie stop too and follow where your gaze is. Your mouth hangs slightly open when you saw Richard Grayson and Barbara Gordon having a laugh with Wally and Garfield.

When Wally saw you looking, he waved. Causing the two Gotham vigilantes turn their head to you, eyes widened and mouth moving, no words coming out of each others mouth. "Richard. I will definitely make a comeback on you on the next Pranks Day" You commented as he and Barbara stood up.

"Y-you're Metalinx? Wow"

"And let me guess, you're Nightwing, Former Robin. And you're Batgirl? So I wonder why most of you guys have been disappearing for a moment"

"Why didn't you told us? Me or Dick or Alfred?" Barbara asked and engulfed you a hug. "Because I'm scared okay? I-I'm scared that when I told you that I'm working with a mask, you'll take distance on me. I-I don't have anyone but you guys and you knew that I grew up alone" Tears came out of your eyes, your silent sobs turned the atmosphere quiet.

Barbara soothe your back and you got on your knees, sobbing and letting out the tears. You feared of being left alone. Feared that no one will be there behind your back and look after you. You been raised without a Mom, without a Dad, your guardian died and been told that your parents died.

"It's okay. It's okay now Y/n. You know, you have no reason to cry. You're already apart of the Wayne Family with open arms, three months ago, you joined Young Justice. To Young Justice, We're a family. And Family means we stick together, no secrets and when someone is in trouble, it involves us. No one deserves to be alone and especially you Y/n. You found your lost Mother and now we're here celebrating of having you three months. Can I just say... We're happy to have you" Dick's speech was touching but it made you sob and spring out tears, Barbara smiled kissed your forehead.

To her, she's like your sister but abit... More like a mother type. "Even on the good or bad, maybe at the sassy, happy and weird times. We're here for you" You smiled, your sobbing and falling of tears stopped.

"Great. Thanks for the wonderful speech Dick. You made Y/n went overboard"  Artemis said with a hint of sarcasm as she glared at Dick.

"But I make a good talk on socialization"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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