.•° Close enough °•.

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"Where is she?" Megan mumbled as she look around.

"Who?" You asked. Awhile ago, you met Jaime, Cassandra Sandmarks, Conner Kent and boy, you need a list for Tim's Friends. There are so many!

Even Bruce's. Clearly you met Diana aka Wonder Woman, Clark Kent whom you assume he is Superman.

"Metalinx. She said she will be here early but I guess something distracted her" You nod.

Approaching Tim, You pinch him in the cheek. "Hey, There's an emergency at Des, She said She needs my help on uh Boy Problems and I need to go ASAP"

"Aww. Can't she wait for a little longer? You haven't met most of my friends. Well, If your done. Hurry back okay?" He pouted. You shook your head yes and click his tongue.

"Alright but next time--" "No more leaving while I'm meeting your friends. Okay Okay I get it Drake" You cut him off and started to walk away, while waving without facing Tim.

You slide into the dark. Did I told you that it's masquerade party? No. But yes, A few seconds ago. You put on your white mask and slid the green ring to your left ring finger.

Your body was swirled around by dim teal green color and your outfit and heels turned to the second outfit Des picked for you. (Media paypole!)

"Okay. Show time" You said placing your mask on place and went to the other way.

"There you are! Too bad you haven't met Tim's Bestfriend!" M'gann said as her skin turned to green.

"Tim who?" You asked.

"Timothy Drake. Nice to meet you. Metalinx" Tim and you shook hands.

"As I to you Timothy" He nods. "If you excuse me. I have homework so.I may or may not come down to celebrate yet Have a nice night" He jogged away.

"Gee. What's gotten into him?" You asked.

"Tim's just sad that his Bestfriend already left. Come on! Let's go to Cassie" She squealed and you smile at her.


Robin joined shortly, you been busy eating the delightful food with Wally. You and Artemis got along fine, you said She and Wally look cute and sweet together. She smile at the comment and said thanks.

"Ha! Beat ya West! Ate three plates of Spaghetties in 10 minutes! Bam!" You cheered and earn a clap from Jaime, Megan, Cassie and Barbara.

You knew... It was them... But the one you haven't is Robin... Who is he?

After Everyone congratulated you, you excuse yourself for bathroom and they just give you 'Yeah' 'Alright' 'Take your time'.

"Take my time indeed" You smile as you went to the other direction. So no one could get obvious.

Sliding of the ring as you walk to the other entrance, as you pass the entrance your outfit changed to the one before. The mask too dissapeared.

"Y/n! You came back" Dick exclaimed as you took a sip of the wine.

You didn't noticed Robin glance at you. He smiled and jogged up to his room as he changed.

"Where's Boy wonder?" You hid your annoyed voice as you look around. Not seeing Boy Wonder anywhere.

"He needed something to check at HQ. He'll come back if it's done" Barbara answered. A sudden arm slid on your waist, you look behind you and saw the familiar Blue orbs.

"Drake! Put me down!" You demanded and pinched his arms. He chuckled and set you down.

"Gosh I just miss my Bestfriend that's all" He had a faint red on his cheeks and look away.

"Aww Drake. Your a sight for Soreyes!" You laugh as his face dropped and turn to a poker face.

"Just kidding Tim. Let's go have some fun!" He yelp as you pull him at the main floor.

Alfred playing the Grand Piano and some people are dancing. You put his hand on your waist as the other you hold it like your the man.

He gulped and blushed pink at how close you brought your bodies together. Some comments were heard behind, Tim look over your head and saw Wally And the rest giving him thumbs up. Megan clapping and Jaime whistling.

He rolled his eyes at them before focusing at his Bestfriend. "So" You started as well as the Music.


"Is there any girl that caught your eye now Tim?" You asked.

"Well... No. I'm still focusing on my studies"

"Too bad. Well, If you have just lemme know. Okay Timmy?" He nod as he twirled you three times.

Saxophone and drums started to join Alfred's music. He smile down at you hence making you confused. He then took over now, he rub his palm on your waist and hold your hand.

(Know the part in Beauty in the Beast? The part where Beast lead the dance? Well that's how you do it)

He lead the dance now and you followed swiftly. Faces inches apart and it felt like you two are the only one dancing.

Mesmerized by his Blue orbs, You didn't notice that he was leading you at the garden. You did when Moonlight reflected you from the water of the Fountain.

You kick your heels away and sat on the stone cold benches. Tim sat beside you and in deep thoughts.

You threw him your one heel and it hit his head. He groaned in pain and looked at you in surprise.

"Hey! What was that fo-- Ow!" You threw him the other heel and hit his forehead.

"I need Timothy Drake! The real one! Who are you and What have you done to him?! Timothy doesn't go quiet that long! He is noisy and a mega phone!" You screamed and accused a finger at him.

"Timothy's right here Y/n. Gosh, That's gonna leave a mark" He touched the red mark on his forehead.

"Sorry for ruining this moment but Metalinx haven't come back yet. She been missing thirty minutes ago" Megan said with sad and worry expression. Coming to you with Dick.

"I'll go at the Gate, she might be there. See ya later!" You quickly wave and Tim raise his arm and cut off himself when you were feets away.

As you pass a large bush, you quickly slid the green ring and pace up to the Main Entrance of the Manor.

As you enter, Jamie quickly came to you. "Hey! Where have you been Linx? M'gann was so worried about you" You flash him a smile.

"I just... Wander at the Manor. I almost got lost so uh.. Yeah."

Jaime let out a sigh of relief. "Did something happened while I was gone?" You asked.

"Nothing much. Just M'gann freaking out of how long you took for bathroom. Come on" He gestured and brought you to M'gann. She was worried at first but when she saw you, she smiled.

Atleast someone cared.

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