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You been awake on the hospital bed for like an half an hour. The nurse said a Lady will discharge you from the hospital, the bandage on your wound was abit stinging on the flesh but you'll live. You sigh, not remembering who brought you here. You asked the nurse but it was a different nurse who witnessed everything, you changed to the extra clothes that the Lady had given you.

It was a pullover and black dress joggers and a pair of converse, you placed the hospital gown on the drawer and sat on the edge of the bed. You heard muffling voices at the door and it creaked open, making your eyes wide as a plate.

"Mom? Cassie?" You bit your lip nervously and looked over your mother as she and gave you apologetic look.

"So...  You look much better without your mask.. Metalinx" She smiled and you felt like your soul has been taken. "W-Wait.. How did--"

"Duh, Diana told me. Y/n, why didn't you told us sooner? You know, our identities are safe with the rest of the Heroes" She cooed as she gave you a tight hug, you sigh and looked at her sadly.

"I can't Cassie. Somehow deep inside me, I can't do it. Maybe I just need someone to trust with but I'm just scared. Scared that I might loose my friends because of who I really am" A tear left your eye and she use her thumb to wipe it.

"Y/n, you just don't know it. Trust is an important thing to us, We don't know who we can rely on. Too afraid of betrayal and loneliness, but I'm telling you this. You can trust everyone of us, in the team and at the League. You just have to face what's coming" She grin and helped you up.

"What's your plan now Y/n? Do you want to hide your identity for awhile?" Diana asked as she has her arm around you as you three step out of the Hospital, "Well," You looked over at Cassie and Diana who had been confused. "Will it hurt to have a nap at HQ?" Cassie smiled and let out a laugh, Diana ruffled your hair and went ahead to her car.



"You had to ask?"

"Yep, she's nervous alright"

"You're not helping Mom"

"Wait so, since your Wonder Woman's daughter, those that mean you're going to have two Wonder Girls?" Cassie asked Diana.

"Well, No. Cassandra, Y/n will stay as Metalinx and you will stay as Wonder Girl. There will be no difference between the two" She replied as the certain Mountain becomes bigger as you three go nearer.


"Ye-- Will you stop asking that question?"

"That reminds me, All the team will be gathering up for today" Cassie said out loud, just remembering what just came to her mind.

The thought made you gulped. "W-Why so?"

She snap her fingers and glance over at you, "Celebrate your three months being apart of the team of course! Happy Monthsary in Young Justice!" She cheered.

"You guys do those?"

"Yes... Not in regular occasions though. I had it prepared and ready" Diana replied and you peeked over, slowly popping your head. "You did it for me?" Sounding in disbelief and shock, she nods and sped up.

"Y/n, when we get there. Promise not to kill anyone on the team?" You gave Cassie a 'Why would I do that?' look while nodding your head, you haven't visited Tim for like forever and you felt bad for not paying your friend a visit.

Just thinking about him made you blush, for some reason, you thought of having a crush on him but that's impossible. He won't return it, which is abit heartbreaking and painful. You wanted to approach Dick but you know, he's too... Childish and might even blackmail you as a payback for recording his short poetry at describing his point of view at Barbs.

Jason? Nah, he's... A little bit cockoo on his head and heck, does he even know anything about crushes and teenage hormones?

Damian? Too.. Young for those stuff. You get along with him well for the past years but you wondered where he disappears to. Alfred can be a traitor if you tell him about your feelings towards Tim. Who wouldn't fall for him? He's smart, innocent, charming, into books and novels and dang his body and smile too...

"HEEEEEY?! Cassie to blushing Y/n? Cassie to blushing Y/-- You're thinking of a boy aren't you?" Her question made you blink and gave her a look.

"What? No! No, I'm not think of Tim!" Your eyes widened and groan in frustration, Cassie grin making you bang your head on the car window. "Oooh,  Y/n crushing on Tim? That's good news to the girls" She said and got out of the car, you just realized that the car stopped and now parked. You didn't bother watching Cassie, childishly went to where in the Amazon she's going. "Come on now Y/n" You followed Diana step out of the car and followed her, noticing that there's no one around. You guessed they might be on the kitchen or living room, having a normal and relaxing time of their lives.
"I'm going to go to my room and change, I'll meet you in the living room" You excused and opened the room that you irregularly come into. You changed to black jeans, silk top and black tank top underneath and still wore the converse you had on the Hospital. You stopped at the door, froze as you were reaching for the knob. Questions started to fill in your head and it made you thought of what will happen if you come up to the living room.

Your mask was on your other hand, gripping on it loosely. "What if someone I knew was in the Team? Heck, What if they think I'm just a loser that has powers that has nothing to do with my life so I chose of being a hero? What if the girls will hate me?" You huffed and closed your eyes.

'You just have to face what's coming' Cassie's voice lingered over. She's right. "Cassie's right. I can't run on this. The League and the Young Justice can be trusted, I just have to handle their reactions of finally who Metalinx is" You relaxed your shoulders and gather all the courage in you.

As you got out of your room, you saw a particular raven haired boy come out of his room with his canine friend by his side. "Superboy?" You asked, the boy turned and see you. His eyes widened and flick left and right, "How did you get in here? Did you come out of Linx's room?" He said marching to you with his brows knit together.

Wolf didn't payed any attention to Conner, "Excuse me? Do you even know who I am?" You asked, not noticing the canine creeping to your side. Conner narrowed his eyes at you and you glared at him, Wolf licked your cheek and you gasp at the impact on your skin.

"Hey. Atleast you know who I am without my mask e Wolf?" You cooed and pet his head, Conner saw the mask on your hand as you pet Wolf. "Linx?" "Yeah. You should work on your x ray vision Conner" He chuckled and nuzzle his fist on your head making you yelp.

"Good to see you without a mask and Happy three months here in the team" He greeted and Wolf licked your nose as his greeting too. "Thanks you two. What are you doing here anyways?" You asked. During in free time, you would hang out with Conner and Wolf. Sometimes even do lazy days with them too, watch movies, bake with M'gann, fly back to Smallville and help Martha Kent on her farm life.

"You can call me Y/n while we're on the free field" You remind, even though on that days, you still keep on your mask or got your face covered. "You ready?" He asked as you three were about to do a final turn then it's now the living room."Yeah. Ready to get unrecognized? Sure. How bad could it be?" You earned a light nudge from Conner, making you and him chuckle. You kept an arm on Wolf because you missed the big canine, it's really amazing and shocking that only you and Conner can come near him which makes you special for the canine.

Your felt your heart beating decreased, there you saw Diana. Barry, Hal, Martian ManHunter known to the name as J'onn, Clark, Oliver, Dinah and then there is one man that made you wide your eyes for the millionth time.


Thanks to Clark and his super hearing, he looked over you and he gave you a kind smile. He tap Bruce on the shoulder and said something to him, The Kryptonian man point back at you, Bruce followed where he was pointing and his eyes landed on you. Diana came and smiled. She, Bruce and Clark made their way to you. Conner and Wolf excused themselves and you smiled

Boy, this will be interesting.

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